When a shopping trip goes wrong [Part 1/4]

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When Dazai had agreed to actually go shopping with Atsushi, finally, after the rat had been neutralized, he did not expect to come across his sworn rival at the shopping complex; and as if that wasn't enough, the said rival was chatting away happily with a woman. A WOMAN!!

Afraid of being noticed, Dazai immediately jumped behind a stall, What the hell is Chuuya doing here!!? was clearly reflected in his eyes, for Atsushi to immediately understand the reason behind Dazai's abrupt actions. What he couldn't contemplate though was why would Dazai even feel the need to hide from his former partner, the port mafia executive?

He sighed as he followed Dazai behind the stall, asking quite hesitantly, "um... Dazai-san, why are we hiding...?" He had used the word we instead of you because he knew his mentor well enough to know that the latter would be wanting Atsushi to hide as well.

"Shh... the little Chibi will hear us!" Dazai whispered, apprehensive.

"But why are we hiding?" Atsushi whispered back. Honestly, he literally had no idea on how to handle this mentor of his.

"Because, he's with a girl, can't you see...!?"

"No... um, I could see that but what's wrong about that...? She's probably his girlfriend or something..."

"As oblivious as ever Atsushi-kuuun ~" Dazai whispered in his usual sing-song voice, "that slug can't possibly know how to deal with women, this must, most definitely, be a trap! And as members of the Armed Detective Agency, we need to make sure that the Port Mafia is plotting anything dangerous!"

Atsushi visibly panicked. He knew where this was going. And very frankly, he did not want to be a part of it. "I...d-don't think there's anything strange with it. Maybe they are friends and they are just hanging out..." After all, you couldn't be his only friend, Dazai-san... he thought, but refrained himself from causing further damage to Dazai's heart (lol)

"It's decided! We'll follow them!"

And here it came. "I don't think that's a good idea, Dazai-san. And besides, what about our shopping... we haven't bought anything at all, there's so much to do..."

"We'll do the shopping later! Come on, let's go, they're leaving!!"

And did Atsushi even had a choice.


The two members of the Armed Detective Agency entered the pretty classy bar-cum-restaurant after that Chuuya, his sworn rival had entered along with the woman. Atsushi couldn't believe that they were doing something like that, but what other way to deal with his suicidal-maniac of a mentor who was determined that there was some sort of a plot behind this absolutely clear date his former partner had planned with this woman.

They slowly walk over to take a table that was two tables behind where Chuuya was seated, making it easier for them to keep a closer eye on them without them noticing.

The place was quite fancy in itself. The ambience was great and the distinct scents of alcohol and cocktails filled the place aromatically. The lights were dim, with a touch of slow music playing in the background. In other words, everything about this place screamed 'romantic'. There was also a small wooden raised platform, right at the centre of the round hall, where a few couples slow-danced along the tunes of the music.

Atsushi fiddled with his fingers, this being his very first time visiting a place like this. Wherever he looked, there were only couples, aside from the men who went there for the sole purpose of getting drunk. His eyes wandered a while before he finally brought his attention back to his mentor.

Dazai didn't look like he was in a good mood. He was glaring daggers at the back of the woman who Atsushi noticed following Dazai's line of sight, was sticking close to Chuuya's left.

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