Suppressed emotions [Part 3/4]

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Chuuya had locked himself in one of the mafia's spare hideouts, until a proper solution to his... er... situation was figured out. And he totally died (metaphorically) when the person who banged at the door turned out to be Dazai. So, this was the only solution, huh? Even boss couldn't get a better way out for him... he really hoped the boss didn't tell him the real condition for the ability to break.

Never had he ever imagined to feel this level of embarrassment, being stuck with a curse that only Dazai can get him out of and not by using his nullification but through a kiss. What was this, Snow White!!? And why was he not the prince!?

Regretting every step he took, he got up from the bed he was sprawled against to open the door, only to be greeted by an awfully smug Dazai with a playful smirk plastered on his face. The asshole was surely having the time of his life wasn't he!?

"Whatcha starin' at!?" Chuuya barked, clearly embarrassed when Dazai made his comment.

"Aww ~ The expression the chibi's carrying is a worthwhile one if I must say. Why not go back to being the loudmouth you always were ~" Dazai chirped, definitely enjoying the massive red that was spread over Chuuya's entire face.

"Just shut up and get it done with! I don't have enough time to deal with your sorry ass!" he pulled Dazai in, looked left and right outside the door and then slammed the door shut, unequivocally not wanting anyone else to see them.

"Ooh ~ Chuuuuuyaaa's being naughtyyy ~" Dazai could only smirk at the chibi's reactions that were both panicky and kinda... cute...

Dazai's throat hitched at the thought but immediately shoving that aside, he playfully remarked, "It's just a kiss, you know ~ No need to be that tiptoe ~"

"Who's tiptoe!? I just don't want others to get the wrong idea..."

"Or maybe you just want to hide the fact that you're quite excited to kiss me ~"

"Keep dreaming!" he snarled, taking a few steps closer to Dazai. "Just get it over with you piece of shit!" Chuuya shuts his eyes tight and pushes his face a little upward for Dazai to bend down and kiss him, his lips pressed tightly forming a thin line.

He was definitely nervous and the embarrassment surrounding that nervousness made it even more amusing for the taller male.


Now, had it been any other situation Dazai would've surely poked fun at the Chibi in so many different ways, but seeing that fidgety face with eyes shut and lips pressed, Dazai felt his heart skip a beat. What he felt was not something he could easily describe, his breath hitched lightly and the air around him suddenly got hotter.

Ba-thump! Ba-thump!

And Dazai was not an idiot. He was very well aware of the signs of what was happening to his body, his stomach was definitely doing summersaults. And the word cute kept running at the back of his head. Chuuya did look adorable like that.

"My My ~ this won't do my little chibii ~ Your lips are all wrong ~" Dazai spoke, his mind had already gone into a frenzy, while he took a few steps closer to his former partner till their bodies were almost touching; and with his index finger and thumb he lifted up Chuuya's chin.

Ba-thump! Ba-thump! Ba-thump!

As if in reflex to Dazai's touch, Chuuya's eyes flung open as he stared deep into the dark brown orbs of the brunette. With a blush visibly claiming both of their cheeks, Dazai traced his thumb over his lower lip pulling it a little away from the upper one. "Keep your lips parted, okay?" he spoke in a voice almost unrecognizable to Chuuya, not in his overly dramatic tones, it sounded rather hot...?

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