prachi's mischief

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Prachi's pov
As soon as we entered the room. I saw maa's fumming anger.. And   a women and that girl were sitting on the couch..   that girl whom i pushed down and poured the juice on her face as she was dancing with ranbir.. That women might be her mother..

Just then i saw papa.. He was scared as hell.. His face showed that.. But why? 
Didn't he tell me to be bold like maa?  He was the one who motivated me but he.. Its okay.. I will explain maa..
there is no mistake from my side..

Suddenly that girl and her mother left the room.

"prachi.. I want to speak with you"  with no emotion..

Why didn't she shout at me??  Was she not angry on me??

I doubted her expression..

"actually fuggi, prachi is not at fault.. Actually i... " he started ..

I guessed that maa knows nothing about the incident so
I pushed papa into washroom

" papa.. I'm sorry for staining your dress.. Come soon after cleaning it.. " i shouted..
He looked at me like iam an alien . Then i closed the door..

" prachi, what happened there? "  maa questioned me..

" where?? " i looked at her innocently..

" I mean , some random girl bullied neethu's daughter in that party...  I mean.. The girl who just left..  I came there in search of you. But i saw her there.. I brought her here to help her clean herself.. So...." maa continued genuinely..

Thank god!!  She didn't see me there..

That girl didn't tell anything to maa.. my guess was right.. But why?? She was acting crazy infront of me.. She got a very good chance but didn't use it.. Such a stupid girl..

" prachi!!  Iam asking you something?? Why weren't you there? If you saw that you would have helped her.. So where were you? " maa raised her voice..

Oh god!! How will i tell her that iam the person who did that with her..  I was there.. She is Angry thinking that i went somewhere without informing her.. When she  would come to know what i did.. Then.... Prachi!! Your are dead!!..

" prachi...  Why aren't you saying something?  Nowadays,  i feel like your changing like him..  Do you really think that if you keep quiet.. Everything will be alright..  when did you start to lie??  I think you should stay away from your papa.. You are turning mischievous day by day" maa shouted..

" maa,  actually its... " just then i saw papa came outside the washroom

" hey.. Wait.. Prachi is not at fault . Prachi will not stay away from me. She was just trying to defend herself " papa defended me..

This made me so happy because no one was there to defend me when it comes to maa and me.. Even sahana couldn't.. as she would get scolded very bad it if tried to.. Iam getting so many memories here which I always wanted..  Papa defending me and maa scolding me... My heart felt light and broad smile occupied my face..  Which didn't last long as I realized that papa was telling the truth... 

Oh no!!  Was this the time to think all this??   Pity you Pari.. 

Papa said the truth in speed of a jet while i was trying so hard to stop him  by gesturing behind my mother..

But he didn't even get my single gesture right..

"papa!! What are you doing? She knows nothing!!"  i screamed out of fear..

" what??  " my papa shocked

Immediately i found a stinging pain in my ears as maa was twisting it so badly..

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