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In Ranbir's room..

" prachi, pls.. I love you so much.. I can't even imagine a life without you.. " ranbir pleaded..

" ranbir, try to understand the situation... Even maa and papa love eachother so much.. But do you think they lived happily all these days?? ''

Ranbir was silent..

" Ranbir, your mom hates me.. I have seen it in her eyes.. And I know you love your mom.. But now, you fought with her and staying in a resort.. Don't you think she will think that iam responsible for this?? '' prachi tried to make him understand..

" I will explain her.. I will make her understand... " ranbir tried his best..

" till when?? "

" Ranbir, I have already seen so many drama in my life.. I don't want any.. "

" okay, then we'll leave kholi house after marriage... " ranbir said determined..

Prachi chukkled at his childish thought..

" do you really think that your mom will not think that I separated you from her?? "

Ranbir was speechless..

" then what do you want me to do?? " ranbir said as he got frustrated..

"Your mom accepted me as rhea.. " prachi realised that about to blurt out the truth and immediately stood up from the chair.

" what?? '' ranbir questioned..

'' nothing... Just.. " prachi tried to leave the place..

" I knew that rhea will never change.. She is the villain of my story.. " Ranbir pulled her towards him and made her sit on the same place..

" She was selfish and she would always be selfish.. She would suffer for playing with our life like this.. " ranbir cursed..

" don't you dare utter a single word against my sister ! You want know the truth right? " prachi yelled..

Ranbir noded..

"Then listen.. Rhea called your mom and told that she doesn't love you and she made her understand your love for me.but her effort was very less compared to you.Then how come your mom suddenly agreed for our marriage?? You have tried to explain her thousands of times . And you know what your mom said.. She is completely okay with you getting married with me as iam a daughter of abhishek Prem mehra .. She didn't have any problem with me suddenly .. I always wondered why your mom wanted rhea to get married to you even though she knows that you love me.. But ranbir didn't you get a single doubt on your mom when she suddenly agreed for our marriage after knowing about my father.. It's just that the entire mehra companies are going to his daughters. Papa is going to divide all the properties after rhea and my marriage.. So now, it didn't matter her whether you marry me or rhea however, you'll get the shares..'' prachi took out some papers and gave it to him..

Ranbir was shocked reading those papers..

" you mean to say that.. Everything is for money?? No.. My mom can't.. she always said hardworking money only last till the end.. she'll never.. She loves me.. " ranbir said as he was unable accept it.

" I never wanted to tell you this..but I couldn't hold it anymore!! " prachi finally revealed the truth to ranbir..

Ranbir was heartbroken.. As he couldn't believe that his own mom forced him to get married to someone for money..

" I always wanted to get married and live a happy life with a happy family.. But in your family your mom will never accept me completely.. she hates me.. I have seen the consequence of such things.. As Aliya buji really loves papa but she didn't accept maa.. And now you can see that their brother sister bond is ruined.. Maa said that they both loved each other so much before her marriage but after that everything is changed.. So I didn't want to ruin your bond with your mom.. You love her so much.. " prachi words left along with some tears in her eyes..

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