𝐢𝐢𝐢. uncanny, demonic, fascinating

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The years of separation and loneliness seemed to fade from view the moment their violet eyes locked on the others. The last time Maegor had seen his little niece, she had been the picture of innocence. A dress as pale white and pristine as the crown of silver that was the waterfall of her silvery hair. She was always a pretty girl, all pink pouted lips and ivory skin but now... she was beautiful, crushingly so. There was something uncanny, demonic and fascinating in her eyes.

She looked like the rest of his life.

"Emā grown, byka dārilaros." Maegor spoke, studying the girl who'd become a woman before him. He noticed she still wore the necklace he had gifted her so many years ago. ( You have grown, little princess )

"Konir sagon se objective hen jēda, iksis ziry daor kepus?" Alyssara snapped back somewhat teasingly, a smirk on her face as his wives looked back and forth between the two of them out of confusion. Neither had ever learned High Valyrian. Maegor tutted at her, a fond look appearing on his face at her teasing. ( That is the objective of time, is it not uncle? )

Cheeky little things, Maegor thought to himself, always one to look for trouble.

"Maegor." Visenya interrupted, breaking the delightful tension the had appeared between uncle and niece as Maegor's irritated gaze turned to his mother who ignore the look. "Aenys is dead."

Maegor's jaw clenched.


"My father was never a strong man, the faith militant rising against him broke the man." Alyssara explained, seemingly little to no grief in her voice. Maegor wondered if she even attended the funeral.

"I am so terribly sorry, darling." Alys said, courage apparently appearing within her as she reached out and rested a hand on the princess' shoulder. "The death of a father is a terrible thing."

"Yes, very sad." Alyssara spoke, shaking Maegor second wife's hand off of her skin as she looked to her aunt. "We must go, now."

"Why?" Ceryse asked, her brow furrowed. "Surely we have missed the funeral, there is nothing to return to."

"Of course there is something to return to." Maegor snapped at his first wife, meeting his mother then Alyssara's eyes. "My crown."

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

"The dragon keepers say that the storm will only break by daylight." Visenya informed the room but an hour later after a council of their own and then the discovery that not even their dragons would be able to take off with the intensity of the storm that night. "We will only be able to leave at dawn."

"But that will give Aegon the opportunity to seize the crown once he escapes Crakehall." Alyssara protested but Maegor couldn't help but notice the light haze of blue beneath her skin and the way her hands shook ever so slightly from the cold. "He is about as weak as my father and-"

"Worry not, zaldrītsos." Maegor stated, his wives surprised even a single soothing word could escape their husbands lips. "You must rest. Dragons are not fond of the cold." ( little dragon )

"I will do no such thing-"

"It is an order." Maegor said, unable to keep himself from saying his next words with a small smile. "From your king."

"You are not King yet, Kepus." Alyssara retorted, standing from the armchair which she had commandeered and going towards where her dragon was being kept but she did not get far. Maegor's large hand reached out to grasp her slender wrist and she could no longer move.

"But by the time I become King I would prefer that you would be there." Maegor said with a finality none could protest against. "Not having already died from frostbite like some northerner."

"I can show her to a room, my lord husband." Alys said, standing abruptly. Ever trying to seek her husbands favour. Ceryse had stopped a very long time ago. Alys would soon learn. 

Maegor waved her off.

"I shall be showing the princess to her rooms." He said, standing without releasing Alyssara's wrist from his grip. But she made no protest. "Mother, I assume you already know where you will be tonight."

Visenya nodded but she sent him a look. A look Maegor knew well. 

It was a threat.

Should you harm her, Visenya said with her gaze, you would be no son of mine.

"Alys, Ceryse." Maegor dressed his wives as he guided Alyssara out of the room. "Return to bed, won't you?"

Both wives did as they were told.

Both pretended they didn't see how he looked at Alyssara.

Both pretended they didn't his hand on the small of her back as they left.

Both pretended.

Women are awfully good at pretending.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

"It seems there is much love between the three of you." Alyssara jested as Maegor guided her through the halls of the castle. "A marriage made in heaven it seems, how lovely."

Maegor huffed with a roll of his eyes at her teasing but did not say anything to rebut her accusations. He knew full well his marriages had never been for love but for heirs. And he still had none of what he had gone into the marriages for.

"And what is it that you suggest, dārilaros." Maegor asked as they turned a corner into the hall that housed both his rooms and the one he would be giving to his little niece.

"To think with your head and not your cock, Kepus." Alyssara said without fear. Maegor liked the about her. He barked out a laugh. It was amusing that the only person in the world that did not fear him other than his mother was his pretty little niece. That was how it had always been and how it always will be. "That was how grandsire did it, he married two women of Valyrian blood. You have married two women who do not even share one womb between the two of them."

"Is that how you shall do it?" Maegor asked, causing Alyssara to stop in her tracks and look up at him. He could see the storm in the windows in the darkness of her eyes. "No please, tell me. While I was gone has another prince caught your attention?"

"Jealous are we?" Alyssara without waiting even a beat and Maegor merely shrugged and she couldn't deny the flutter in her chest at that. "And what if I have?"

Maegor couldn't help but feel a flicker of the fire within him, his innate possessive instincts when it came to Alyssara stirring even after so very long apart. His eyes flickered down to her lips. He knew perfectly well she was teasing, knowing his mother would've told him if such a thing and occurred but he couldn't help the tinge of jealousy that appeared within him.

"You know, dārilaros..." Maegor said, reaching up his hand to caress her soft cheek. "It is dangerous to provoke a dragon." ( princess )

"Do your wives know that?" Alyssara asked, her doe eyes looking up at him in a way that made his cock stir. "For they seem to think it okay to speak to me."

"They will learn, jorrāelagon prūmia." Maegor said softly, brushing a silver curl away from her face. But without another word, Alyssara opened the door behind her and slipped inside. ( dear heart )

"Good." She said, a small smile on her face. She was perfectly aware of what she was doing. "Sȳz bantis, kepus." ( Goodnight, uncle )

And with that, she closed the door.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐘 | maegor targaryenWhere stories live. Discover now