Flashback Scene (3)

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Tristan wakes up but it looks like he wakes up in a dream, he gets out of bed and opens the door and the house looks like it did when his and Blake's Dad Muerte was alive, is this flashback in a dream?

Tristan walked downstairs and saw his mom try to stop his and Blake's dad Muerte from hanging himself.

Esperanza: Stop!!! You can't do this!!! Tristan needs you, I need you!!!!, "Tristan's Mom Esperanza begs Tristan and Blake's Dad Muerte to stop trying to kill himself.

Muerte: You guys will better without me!!!!!, "Blake and Tristan's Dad Muerte yells at their Mom.

Tristan walked into the room but he was little, yep this was a flashback.

Little Tristan: Mommy what's going on?????, "Little Tristan holds his light blue teddy bear.

Esperanza: Honey, go back to sleep, you shouldn't see this, "Tristan and Blake's Mom Esperanza tells her son.

Little Tristan: Why Mommy, what going on???, "Tristan asks.

Esperanza: Nothing Honey, go back to sleep, "Esperanza tries to keep her son from seeing his dad trying to kill himself, this will traumatize him.

Little Tristan: No Mommy, what going on??? Tell me, "Tristan looked at his Dad and saw his dad try to hang himself.

Little Tristan dropped his teddy bear and backed away trembling in fear.

Esperanza: Stop, you scared Tristan, he shouldn't see this, "Esperanza tells Muerte, hoping he will stop this nonsense.

Muerte: Then he shouldn't come down in the first place, "Muerte yelled.

Esperanza: Stop, this gets too far, you traumatized our son so stop this now Muerte, you have no right to kill yourself, we need you, "Esperanza snapped at Muerte and slapped him.

Muerte: Fine, I stop just this once, "Muerte said and walked away.

Esperanza: Muerte, you come back here, "Esperanza yelled but Muerte was already gone.

Little Tristan: Mommy, why is Daddy kill himself? "Tristan looked at his Mommy with worried eyes.

Esperanza: Honey, you shouldn't have seen that, it's just Daddy going through a tough time, "Esperanza gives Trisan his bear.

Little Tristan: Is it my fault that Daddy goes through a tough time?"Tristan grabbed his bear, held it tight and looked at his mom with sadness in his eyes.

Esperanza: What no, don't ever think that, it's not your fault Honey, "Esperanza hugged her Son.

*End of Flashback*

Blake was talking on the phone with his girlfriend Dawn after she was done with her homework till he heard his older brother talk very loudly in his sleep.

Blake: Dawn, I'll be back, "Blake tells Dawn.

Dawn: Blake, what going on? "Dawn was concerned.

Blake: I think my brother is having one of his nightmares again, I get to see if he is okay, "Blake tells Dawn, worried for his brother.

Dawn: Okay, I hope he is okay, "Dawn said, she was worried, she is friends with her boyfriend's brother so of course she was worried.

Blake: Me too, I talk to you later, "Blake said.

Dawn: Okay talk to you later, love you, "Dawn said to Blake.

Blake: Love you too, "Blake put Dawn on hold and ran to his brother's room.

Blake: Tristan, wake up!!!!, "Blake trying to wake Tristan up.

Blake shakes Tristan.

Blake: TRISTAN, WAKE UP!!!!!, "Blake keeps shaking Tristan hoping it will wake him up.

Tristan woke up still trembling in fear.

Blake: Tristan, are you okay? Did you have that nightmare again? "Blake sits close to his brother and looks at him with worried eyes.

Tristan: Yeah I did but I'm fine now, thanks for coming little bro even if you didn't have to, "Tristan looked at his little brother with a smile.

Blake: I have to, I will always be here for you no matter what, "Blake hugs Tristan.

Tristan: Who needs friends when I get an amazing brother like you, "Tristan smiles and hugs Blake back.

Tristan: Love you, little bro, "Tristan stays in the hug.

Blake: Love too big bro, "Blake said back with a smile and kept hugging his brother.

Tristan: You better get back to your girlfriend, I'm been okay, "Tristan got out of the hug.

Blake: Are you sure?"Blake looks at his brother.

Tristan nods.

Tristan: Now go, "Tristan said.

Blake: Okay but I still tell mom you need sleeping pills okay? You never know it might help, "Blake tells his brother.

Tristan: Okay, I trust you, love you little bro, "Tristan smiles

Blake: Love you too big bro, "Blake smiled back and left his brother's room.

Tristan smiled and went back to sleep, he was lucky have to a brother like Blake.

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