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*3 years later*

Blake just finished his work shift at the police station, yes he still remembers that he got arrested 3 years ago but again that was 3 years ago now he services and protects people and makes sure the things that happened in his life doesn't happen to other people life and just when he was about to cross the street, he bumps into someone.

Blake: Sorry, I should have watched where I was going, "Blake got up and helped the person up and realized that it was Dawn.

Blake: Dawn???"Blake asked looking at Dawn.

Dawn: Hi Blake, "Dawn said.

Blake: How are you?"Blake asked.

Dawn: Fine and you?"Dawn asked.

Blake: Fine, how is Sebastian????"Blake asked.

Dawn: He's fine but he has not dated anymore because he can't get over Tristan which I understand because...um you know what never mind, "Dawn says.

Blake: Which you understand because you can't get over me, I should have never gotten mad at you and said those hurtful words to you, it was wrong, you did understand and did lose Tristan, I get angry that I take it out on you and I should haven't and I'm sorry, "Dawn look at Blake.

Dawn: It's okay, I forgive you, "Dawn says.

Blake: I'm glad, "Blake smiles.

Dawn: I miss seeing your smile, it's still more handsome than ever, "Dawn said.

Blake: And I miss you complimenting me even total I am still insecure about my looks, "Dawn smiles.

Dawn: Well around me, you don't have to be insecure about your looks because you have me who sees your flaw and find them handsome, "Blake blushing.

Dawn: You especially look handsome in those police uniforms of yours, "Dawn said and Blake blushed and turned red like a tomato.

Blake: Umm, thanks, "Blake rubbing the back of his neck.

Dawn: So how is it being a police officer?"Dawn asked.

Blake: It's good so far and how is your job? Did you get your dream job as a Writer?"Blake asked.

Dawn: You remember my dream job?"Dawn looks at Blake.

Blake: Of course, I remember your dream job, we dated for four years, and of course, I remember, "Blake wants Dawn back, he still loves her and he never stopped loving her, he just broke with her out of anger and grief for his brother Tristan who would want him to be happy.

Dawn: Well since you asked, the answer is no, I didn't. That job went away when you got angry with me for not understanding what you were going through, "Dawn said.

Blake: Oh, I should have never done that if I had a time machine, I go back and tell myself to not say those hurtful words to you, "Blake said.

Dawn: But you did and it's okay, I forgive you, "Blake looked at Dawn.

Blake: Which I don't deserve, "Blake looks down at the street.

Dawn: You're right, you don't deserve my forgiveness but I give it to you anyway, "Blake looked at Dawn again.

Blake: You are an amazing girl, "Dawn blushed.

Dawn: Yeah an amazing girl who gets broken up with out of anger, "Dawn hit Blake's shoulder.

Blake: Ouch, I deserve that, "Blake rubs his shoulder.

Dawn: Yeah you do, "Dawn says with a smile.

Blake: So if you are not an author then what are you?"Blake changed the subject.

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