Chapter 0 - A Party of Three

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A hologram lit up in the dark, it's a window, a screen – showing the profile of the one who has willed it to open. The one fixing her white coned hat decorated with ominous jewels.

===== Profile Status =====

Name: Dola / Level: 8604 / Class: Priest / Primary Title: Devotee of the Great End King

Primary Attributes
Health: 160.000 (7.288.540.000) | Mana: 12.153.002 | Stamina: 3.000
Max Health: 160.000 | Max Mana: 5.000.000 (8.000.000) | Max Stamina: 3.000

Secondary Attributes
Strength: 20 / Dexterity: 20 / Endurance: 6.000
Vitality: 5.000 / Agility: 60
Intelligence: 80.000 / Faith: 80.000 / Luck: 1.000

===== Profile Status =====

Reflected across her silver eyes. Her warm look, almost saddened by the sight in front of her. She hums, grunting, pondering about something.

"Looking good it seems. If there's a hidden effect that's gonna pop up after that attack, it should've shown up by now. What about you guys? All good?"

Shifting her attention to the others, two women soaked in sticky liquid. One is wearing an extremely revealing robe and a pointy hat while the other has all her skin but her eyes covered.

{Kurira, Woman of the Hour | Lv. 6699 | Transcendental Purity: Eternal}

{Rakuri, Shadow's Hand | Lv. 5826 | Transcendental Purity: Eternal}

The latter coughs, "We would be if a certain fireball didn't suddenly just explode right where I landed."

"Hey, could've at least pretended you were paying attention. The chimera was supposed to be one landing there, not your thicc ass hide. Now look at us, gotta clean up all this shit."

Rakuri scoff, "Damn Realism Mode," her eyes wander to Dola, "Well, at least the one who mattered is unaffected. You're okay there, hon?"

"Hm?" turning her head with her eyes glued to the screen, "Yeah. No lost levels, no curses, guess it was just a regular ol' chimera."

Kurira waves and spins her hands in the air. Water downpour both her and Rakuri, cleaning all the blood and dirt off of their body. Approaching Dola with a ball of fire in her hand, it acts as a heat source once she lets go, letting it stay floating in the air – warming them up.

"Hmm, thought it was a unique one considering its look."

"Undead, yeah. But oddly enough, no."

"Have you checked your CS?"

"Let's see..."

===== Combat Status =====

[Staff] Alca Vivi Prototype Necromancy Rod 01
[Helmet] Alca Vivi Priestess Hat
[Outer Torso] Alca Vivi Priestess Robe
[Gloves] Alca Vivi Priestess Wraps
[Boots] Alca Vivi Priestess Boots
[Ring 01-08] Mage Ring (Mythic)
[Ring 09] Catty's Cat Lucky Charm
[Ring 10] Bond - Rakuri

Active Effect
(Permanent-Bound) Konig's Boon, null the effect of all types of mind-control
(Permanent-Bound) Blessing of the Divine Order, damage from undead becomes damage over-time. Restoration magic restoring health has a 20% boost to effectiveness.
(Permanent-Bound) Reverse Point-State, excess healing now becomes secondary health. Restoration magic use on self now requires 255x the amount of Mana to cast. Remove overheal limits.
(Permanent) Lover's Embrace, increases experience gain by 12%.

Body Condition
Physical Attack: 400 (+10) / Physical Defense: 140 (+3.000)
Magical Attack: 32.000 (+40.000) / Magical Defense: 28.000 (+3.000)
Health Regeneration: 501 / Mana Regeneration: 8.501 / Stamina Regeneration: 1.101

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