Calypso: "Aw, Bluey! Mackenzie! Where are your buddies?"💓
Bluey: "They ran away from us!"💓
Calypso: "Oh, goodness me."💓
Bluey: "Don't they like us?"💓
Calypso: "Of course they do! But, it can be hard being twelve years old, sometimes."💘
Bluey: "What do you mean?"💘
Calypso: "Here, give me those barky boats. I'll show you something. Go on, hold the water back."💘
Bluey and Mackenzie both hold the water back, causing it to build up.💚
Calypso: "There once were two six year-old buddies floating around, nice and calm, not a care in the world! They turned seven years old, then eight years old, then nine, then ten, and eleven, and then...!"💘
Mackenzie: "I can't hold it any longer!"
Bluey: "Look out!" 💙The two let go of the dam, causing the water to flood out at high speeds and for the two barky boats to go travelling down.💚
Calypso: "Twelve! Off they went, on a big adventure! Hang on, buddies!"💘
Bluey & Mackenzie:' "Yeah, hang on, buddies!"💙💘
Calypso: "They went this way, and that way..."
The boats begin to drift due to the surging rush of water, with them coming close to falling out.💘Mackenzie: "Aah! Are they gonna make it?"💙
Bluey: "I don't know!"💘
The barky boats continue down the canal, before finally landing in the pond at the end of the path safely.💚
Bluey & Mackenzie: "Yeah! They made it!"💙💘
Calypso: "Hooray!"Bluey: "And they lived happily ever after."💘
Calypso: "Just be patient, children. Your buddies haven't forgotten you."💘
Bluey & Mackenzie: "Okay, Calypso!"💙💘
Now back with Captain and Mia, they walk into a empty part of the forest, with a fruit tree.
Mia: "Maybe there's some barky boats around here."💘
Captain: "Yeah, there usually is."💙
Mia: "Ooh! Lillie-pillies! Let's pick some for our buddies!"💘
Captain: "Okay!"💙
The two pick some lillie-pillies.💚
Captain: "What's your favorite fruit?"💙
Mia: "Uhh, lychees! What's yours?"💘
Captain: "I like mangoes."💙
The shot cuts back to Bluey and Mackenzie. Now with Calypso gone they're back to waiting for their buddies to return.💚
Mackenzie: "Are you going to go back to your fairy garden?"💙
Bluey: "Uh, no. It's not as much fun without my buddy."💘