Chapter 12: Facing Endeavor and Houki/Close Air

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(Vincent, Drake, Robert, Finn, Torres and Silver Team are seen on the fence door, when two Union Heroes show up.)

Vincent: Tch, great, we now have to deal with the most despicable fake hero ever.

(Endeavor turns to the Battle Alliance heroes with a death glare.)

Endeavor: What did you do to my son?

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Endeavor: What did you do to my son?

Vincent: You asked the wrong person.

Endeavor: You damn brat.

(Houki then activates her I.S. Suit.)

Houki: I know you have Ichika and his sister

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Houki: I know you have Ichika and his sister. Tell me their location, and I'll spare your pathetic lives.

 Tell me their location, and I'll spare your pathetic lives

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Robert: (glares) Pathetic? Us? We'll show you pathetic!

(Robert and Finn prepare to transform.)

Finn: Henshin!



(Finn becomes Kamen Rider Delta while Robert becomes Perfect Venom.)

Delta: (to Robert) Deal with the child issues and I get that bitch!

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Delta: (to Robert) Deal with the child issues and I get that bitch!

Delta: (to Robert) Deal with the child issues and I get that bitch!

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P. Venom: Gladly!

(Perfect Venom charges at Endeavor, who uses his "best" attack.)

Endeavor: This will send you straight to hell! PROEMINENCE BURN!

(Endeavor burns Perfect Venom, but then he has his face grabbed as Perfect Venom slams him down.)

P. Venom: (smirks) Idiot, my symbiote isn't vulnerable to fire nor sound.

(Perfect Venom slams Endeavor constantly until he stomps his chest.)

P. Venom: Puny "Hero".

(Drake then approaches Endeavor and shoots his head, killing him.)

Drake: And piss off, you bloody parker

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Drake: And piss off, you bloody parker.

(Meanwhile, Delta and Houki are seen fighting as none of them has any advantage.)

Houki: Not bad for a male.

Delta: Well, I learned to use my Kamen Rider Power. Unlike you, who only used a poor boy as a punching bag along with the other bitches you call friends. That's why I'll finish you off!

Houki: You can't beat me! I'm superior!

(Vincent suddenly wraps his Vampire Killer around Houki's neck.)

Houki: Ugh...

Vincent: You're just like my world's IS Pilots, treating men like trash. (to Delta) NOW!


Delta: Check!


Delta: Take this!

(Delta shoots an energy drill, and then he jumps as he kicks through Houki, reducing her to dust.)

Delta: (turns to Vincent) Thanks for the help.

Vincent: You're welcome.

(They then get rid of Endeavor's dead body before they go to a black SUV, except for Logan and Robert, who opened the gate as Juan and his team get out of the Global Risk Hideout.)

Logan: Right on time, guys

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Logan: Right on time, guys.

Robert: What? We weren't gonna leave you behind. Vincent was about to track you down.

Logan: And my men?

Vincent: Back to their base safely. And you?

Llyod: We're good.

Juan: Go! Shadow -1, hardrive secure. We're heading back to base.

(Cut to the gunship. Graves slammed the table as he successfully got the hard drive and killed Global Risk Leader.)

Graves: Hook, line and fuckin' sinker! That's what I'm talking about: Shadows. You know I love that shit! Comms, get me the General.

Shadow-1 Comms Ofc: Check.

Shepherd: (comms) Graves, Actual, make my day.

Graves: We got a hard drive and the Global Risk Leader is confirmed killed. Return to the base as we speak.

Shepherd: Good, return to the base, we're gonna have word with James.

(As the screen fades to black, Vincent Belmont shouts as he performs his magic as several crosses form a "To be continued".)

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