Chapter 2 The Wedding Day

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Nathan's POV

A few days has passed and the day of mine and Blanc's wedding has arrived

Both I and Blanc are in separate rooms preparing for our big day which I am a nervous wreck

Nathan:Oh fuck I can't believe this is actually happening to me!

I walk in a panic around the room but in the room is surprisingly Mr Badd who redeemed himself after what he did in the past

Mr Badd:Calm yourself Lord Crystal you are just at your wedding no big deal

Nathan:No big deal? NO BIG DEAL?! Do you have any idea how nerve wrecking this is for me?!

Mr Badd:Let me ask you something Lord Crystal...Do you love Lady Blanc Truly?

Nathan:What kind of question is that of course I fucking love her!

Mr Badd:Do you love her enough to spend your life with her until the end of time?


Mr Badd:Then you have nothing to worry about all you need to do just have faith in yourself and in Lady Blanc that you both will have a wonderful wedding

I take a deep breath and exhale before gaining a serious look

Nathan: You're right Mr Badd I got to have faith in myself and in my love... Now let's get myself ready

Mr Badd nods

Unbeknownst to me however Blanc herself is having a nervous breakdown herself

3rd POV

Over at the bride room of the chapel Blanc can be seen freaking out as Noire Vert and Neptune (Surprisingly) is helping her get ready

Blanc:Fuck fuck fuck!! I'm so fucking nervous right now!!!

Noire:Calm yourself Blanc this is your big day

Vert: Right and it's normal to be nervous on your big day

Blanc:You two don't fucking understand what I'm going through right now! What if Nathan bails on me?!

Neptune:Blanc look me in the eyes... *Blanc turns and stares at Neptune* do you love him with all your heart?

Blanc:What kind of dumb fucking question is that?! Of fucking course I love him!!!

Neptune:Then are you willing to be bound to him for the rest of your immortal lives?

Blanc:Yes I want to be with him forever!

Neptune:Then don't look at the negatives but look at the positives... You two will soon be husband and wife meaning your lives will be inner connected through the vows you both will proceed with at the altar

Noire Blanc and Vert are all silent at what Neptune said

Noire:That's the first meaningful thing you ever said Neptune

Neptune:I can be meaningful if I want to Nepu! *Cough* but enough about me we got a goddess to prepare for her big day girls

Vert:Neptune is right girls let's get Blanc ready for her soon to be husband

The CPUs (Minus Nathan) all nod and prepare to get Blanc Ready

A few hours pass before the big moment has arrived

Inside the chapel Nathan is standing at the altar wearing a blue tuxedo he bought for the wedding

Inside the chapel Nathan is standing at the altar wearing a blue tuxedo he bought for the wedding

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