Chapter 4 a return to the past

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Nathan's POV

After being sent to the past via the other me I find myself falling in the sky

Nathan:now I should be seeing celestia soon

Just a finish saying I see said building in the distance where four colored lights are moving about

Nathan:that's the goddesses well... Time to announce my arrival NEPTUNE NOIRE BLANC VERT YOU GIRLS NEED TO MOVE NOW!!!

3rd POV

Down on celestia Neptune can be seen blocking an attack from noire while avoiding the attacks of blanc and vert

Neptune:Why are you girls doing this?!

Blanc:you know damn why we are attacking!!

Vert:indeed if we are to have any chance of becoming the true goddess you must be eliminated Neptune

Neptune:but that doesn't mean I have to be killed just for you three to reach the status of true goddess!!

Before noire can speak her words about what Neptune said a voice is heard shouting


All four:Huh?!

Suddenly something lands in the middle of the room the four are in which causes dust to cover the middle of the room

A minute passes before the four CPUs see a man standing in the middle of their room

Nathan:and that's a landing not bad if I say so myself

Noire:who are you?

Turning to face noire Nathan simply smiles

Nathan:Me? Well just think of me as a friend to the four of you that knows your little war is completely idiotic

Vert:How exactly is it idiotic?

Nathan:because you're fighting for the dumbest reasons which in your girls case to become true goddess when that is nothing but a myth and doesn't exist

Blanc in rage charges at Nathan with her CPU axe

Blanc:I'll show you it's not a myth!!

Blanc swings her axe at Nathan which just as it's about to hit him Nathan catches the axe with his bare hand

Nathan: Don't try it Blanc you don't know how strong I am

Vert:How are you holding her axe so easily?

Nathan:I don't know maybe I believe in something or maybe someone

Nathan looks to blanc who looks away with a blush

Letting a small chuckle Nathan looks to the hole in the building

Nathan:well it would appear to be time for the journey to start

Nathan picks up Neptune and Carry's her bridal fashion

Neptune:woah what are you doing?!

Nathan: don't worry Neptune just be prepared for a fall soon... *Looks to noire Blanc and Vert* well ladies we will see you soon and to you Blanc be prepared to learn who I really am to you when we meet the second time

Blanc:what do you mean who you really are to me?

Nathan:you'll learn when Neptune and I reach Lowee but for now see you girls later

Nathan jumps out the hole of the building with Neptune who returns to her human form and goes unconscious

The two fall for a good while before landing outside planeptune forming a crater upon landing

Walking into the crater Nathan picks up the unconscious Neptune and carries her into the nation she governs over

Nathan:now let's see where can the two of us stay at until we meet with IF and Compa...

Unbeknownst to Nathan however IF has just arrived at the crater trying to figure out who or what caused it

IF:this crater it isn't formed naturally... But who or what caused it?

IF then returns to planeptune where she walks the streets of the nation

After walking for a little bit Nathan bumps into IF of whom falls onto the ground

IF:Ow... Watch where you're going will ya

IF says while rubbing her back side

Nathan:Sorry about that IF but I guess it's a good thing we found you

Looking ahead of her IF sees Nathan standing there carrying Neptune who is still unconscious

IF:Who are you? And why is that girl not moving

Nathan:you can call me Nathan and as for the girl in my arms she is unconscious after falling from a really high place so no need to be scared if she's dead or anything like that

IF:How can I trust you?

Nathan:well you don't have any right to trust me right now but if you want to return gamindustri to its peaceful ways then you're gonna have to trust me

IF:what do you mean by return gamindustri to its peaceful ways?

Nathan:you'll learn during the little adventure I'm going on with the girl in my arms here but regardless where is your home so that we can talk better at

IF is silent before motioning Nathan and the unconscious Neptune to follow her

Walking for a few the three arrive at a home where Nathan places Neptune in one of the beds available

Sitting at a table Nathan and IF continue to talk

IF:so talk who are you really?

Nathan:I'm well I'm a human with a power locked up until a specific point of my journey I am also someone who will help with the training of Neptune and the other CPUs

IF:what do you mean training and is that girl really Neptune?

Nathan:*pulls out capsule* yes I mean training as for what this is it is a item that contains a way to a training room that help immensely with the training of myself the CPUs and others who are to arrive in the future. Also yes that girl is Neptune herself

IF:that item in your fingers will help with training?

Nathan nods his head to say yes

IF:can you tell what is going on since you said about others arriving in the future?

Nathan:wish I could but I can't right now but I can tell you that a village outside planeptune will be attacked soon and we will need to go handle it when it happens

The two continue to converse when they hear sounds coming from Neptune

Neptune:ugh what happened?

Nathan:well hello there Neptune glad to see you're finally awake

Neptune looks to the sound of the voice to see Nathan stand at the end of the bed she's in

Neptune:you're the one who jumped out of... Ugh I can't remember

Nathan:Take it easy Neptune your memories will slowly come back during the adventure

Neptune:are we going to go on an adventure?

Nathan:*nods* yes there is adventure in the distance for us to go on but for now just rest up and we will start the adventure tomorrow

Neptune nods and lays back down

IF and Nathan continue talk for a bit before IF retires to her bed and Nathan lays on the couch

The three fall asleep to prepare for tomorrow


Shadow here with the next chapter at which I hope you all enjoy it and I know it's not spectacular but still did my best with it

Anyway see you all in the next chapter

Hyperdimension Neptunia One Crazy Story (Currently Being Super Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now