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"it's pretty much last year,it was a night at the bar,the day that you punch me on the eye and i got a black eye,remember?"asked fourth "yeah i do,the day you broke my phone- wait a minute- how long have you've been going to the bar?"asked gemini "uh l-like uhm since we were uh.. 16-" stuttered fourth "hah?!16?you've been secreting that for 3 years?are you crazy?"yelled gemini "you expect me to tell you my live life story before you,and when i told you about me going to the bar for 3 years you've already gone mad?"said fourth with puppy eyes "ugh.. fine.. i won't be mad just continue the story" sighed gemini with annoyance "gem.. promise me you wont be mad a bit na.. gem.. na.." fourth's clinginess made gemini felt bad about being mad so he just nodded and told fourth to continue the story "as i said it was it was night at the bar,i was so annoyed at you because you punched me that i ordered 3 bottles of whiskey to make me forget about the punch,as i was unstoppable at the drinking process even satang couldn't stop me a guy came and grab the bottle that was on my hand and drinks it,i could barely see his face since i was too drunk.Satang called the guy's name to stop him 'phuwin' he yelled that's how me and phuwin met after the incident i trow up in the bathroom with phuwin behind me and uh.. we made out at my condo and that's how we fell in love,but we broke up because i told him was in love with you and he understands it after that he got with pond and we became friends,at first i loved him but i was more into you and i know that he liked pond since childhood"said fourth and put his head on gemini's shoulder "w-wait wait,one question who was the top and who's the bottom?"asked gemini "uhh i was the bottom and phuwin was top since his older" "aww!how come i'm the bottom? i'm older then you!i want to be top!"yelled gemini pushing fourth's head from his shoulder "suck it up,i'm taller and stronger then you" "says who you're stronger and taller then me?i'm 178!i'm not that short!and i always win in each fight!" yelled gemini again "says that one that say he like my abs when we had love together,and i'm 180 suck it up"said fourth smirking and giving gemini a peck kiss "i uh- ugh!fine!i hate you asshole.." "i love you more love,i'm already dreaming when the day that we get married and have kids together.. what a dream" "crazy much,i'm not a bearer dumbass and i'm not going to marry you,we can't just predict things like that" "you know we could still adopt one or two or three... i promise i'll marry you in the future where everything is perfect for our family" fourth smiled and lays his head on gemini's lap "do you really mean it?"asked gemini playing with fourth's hair with his fingers "of course i do baby,you know i'd never break promises,especially promises that i did with you love" said fourth turning his body facing gemini's body "thank fourth.. thank you for being with me and making me feel happy,thank you for being in my life,thank you for being there for me.."said gemini starting to cry "don't cry na,you're making me cry,i love you gem.. don't ever leave me,promise me" said fourth getting up from his position and put his head on gemini's shoulder "i promise fourth.. "they looks at each other and kiss their heart out not noticing jam was behind them "what the hell man.. you guy's didn't even notice me.." "GAHH!WHAT THE F4CK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"yelled gemini "jam you just ruined our kiss dude.."said fourth with annoyance "shut up man,you guys are making me feel single,by the way i'm here because gemini's mom told me to get you and fourth's mom called him to come back"said jam getting back at his motorcycle while wearing his helmet "fourth i don't want to go back.. i want to stay here,na.."said gemini being clingy to fourth with puppy eyes "don't worry we'll go home,i'll text my mom just wait here and calm yourself okay baby?" whispered fourth to gemini "thank you bae.." "huek! stop your making me puke" "SHUT UP!"said fourth and gemini,they looked at each other and giggled "i'm going now!you guy's mom will be mad,text them fast"said jam starting his motorcycle "alright thanks jam,don't cycle too fast!" yelled gemini after jam started to go and turns to fourth "i already text here,now do you want to stay here first or go home?" asked fourth "can we go shopping first?i'm hungry"asked gemini not knowing fourth's next move "anything you want baby"replied fourth and randomly picks gemini up to the car "EH- WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOT!PUT ME DOWN!"yelled gemini not wanting people to see the two of them "i'm giving you the princess treatment, don't you like it?"reply fourth with a smile "not that i dont like it,but people could see us!"again yelled gemini hiding his face on fourth's shoulder "i love you gem.."said fourth giving gemini a peck kiss on the head "mhp i love you too.."mumbled gemini when fourth puts him on his seat "where do you want to go?ice cream, snacks, market, gas stations, mall?just choose it's all on me"asked fourth after sitting on his seat "uh.. can we go to the mall?i want to buy something and then we can go eat"smiled gemini making fourth melts on his seat "stop being cute,your making me feel crazy" "let's go now!"said gemini and fourth pressed the gas on full speed making gemini yelled "FOT SLOW DOWN!DON'T SPRINT!I COULD HAVE A FULL PANIC ATTACK FOT!" yelled gemini closing his eyes "just a little more baby were almost there" "SLOW DOWN FOT!I'M HAVING A PANIC ATTACK!"again yelled gemini taking his breath when fourth finally starts to slow the car down "your trying to get me killed or what?" "i'm sorry baby,let's go now shall we?"said fourth handing his hand when he get's to gemini's door "crazy much asshole,i hate you"mumbled gemini "i love you more love.."

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