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Outside a crumbling stone wall in Bedfordshire, Draco waited for Hermione's arrival. He'd sent her an owl with all the details of the location, including a photograph for her to study, and a time to meet. He checked his pocketwatch for the fifth time and then heard a small pop. He looked up to see Hermione standing a few feet away, hood up and cloak covering her to the ground, a pewter hook-and-eye arrangement holding it closed at neck, chest, and waist.

"You made it," he said. "Good. Wasn't sure you'd—" Wasn't sure she'd come, wasn't sure she would actually be there. Despite their agreement, their assignment, he'd wondered if he would see her that night. It was one thing to consider their plans in the abstract, another to go through with it. Other than the owl he'd sent her, they had barely spoken since he'd left their 'date' to respond to the distress call. He hadn't known what to think about that quick kiss she'd given him before he Disapparated. No one had been observing them, and there was no need to act on their pretend relationship. He'd finally decided she'd been practicing, to stay in character.

Just what they were both doing now. Playing a role. "Wasn't sure you'd find the place," he finished.

He stepped up to the gate and drew a heavy silver coin from his pocket. He laid it in a small niche in one of the gateposts. A purple light flickered beneath and around the coin, shading into black before fading. The rusty gate creaked open. "Welcome, friend," a throaty voice said from inside the niche. "Welcome back."

Draco retrieved his coin and stepped through the gate. "Welcome to Chaswell House," he said as Hermione followed him, the gate closing behind her. "Home of the Thorned Rose."

"I don't see anything," Hermione said, a small question in her voice.

Draco smiled. "And you won't. Not until we're closer. Bet you can already guess what's keeping the house hidden."

Hermione made a contemplative sound. "Not a Fidelius. Not trying to keep it a secret, just hidden. Some type of Concealment Charm, making it look abandoned." Her voice firmed up, taking on a hint of the studious know-it-all she'd been in school. "Muggle-repelling charms, of course. It's a wizard-only place."

Draco hid another smile behind his hand as he lit a cigarette. He'd expected her to be nervous and thought the chance to show off her knowledge of spells would help her relax. Looked as though he was right.

Standing up, her hand stretched for the ceiling in Potions class. Stacks of books piled in front of her in the library. Volunteering answers at every chance. I would have thought you'd be ashamed that a girl of no wizard family—

Draco cut off the memory with a shake of his head, focusing instead on the sway of Hermione's cloak as she walked.

Hermione paused beside what appeared to be a dilapidated fountain. "Right here," she said. "Just past this. That's where the Muggle-repelling charm starts, to fend off anyone who wants to explore a ruin. I can feel it."

Draco looked at her with surprise. "Really? Most people don't spot it."

"Muggle-born," she said. "It's not keeping me out, because I am a witch, but it's making me a little anxious. I feel as though I've forgotten an appointment. But not an urgent one, like it would if I were a Muggle. More like—like there was a film I wanted to catch but I can always see it tomorrow, not a big deal if I miss it. That sort of feeling."

Draco nodded and set one hand between her shoulders, urging her to take a step forward. As they crossed the charm line, Draco watched her from the corner of his eye, not wanting to seem too eager to see her response.

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