Chapter 2 :Sneaking in (Part 1)

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A few weeks passed after Hakiru and Anri's argument and finally, Sora was made the new manager so as Tokime and Hakiru. They made their way to the Blue Lock building to start their first day.

"Woah this place is huge."
Hakiru says in amazement as they all wandered around the building, trying to find where Anri is.

They eventually found the monitoring room and saw Anri, sitting down while doing her work beside a tall man with a weird haircut that is really skinny. Hakiru and Sora got slightly disgusted but Tokime stays silent and doesn't care.

"Oh! You guys are here!"
Exclaims Anri as she looks at them all with a calm and gentle smile. Hakiru smiles back so as Sora while Tokime was still normal as always.

"Are these the ones you told me are gonna be managers here, Teieri?"
The tall, skinny man asks as he looks at Anri.

Tokime and Hakiru looks at the man saying in sync

"Which Teieri?"
They exclaimed with a serious expression as the man sighs as he looks at them with an intimidating stare.

"My manager, Teieri Anri, Are you guys dumb?"
The man says with a creepy smile and Hakiru flinches while Tokime gave him a cold stare back.

"Ah! Sorry for Ego-san! He's like th-"
Anri explains as she got cutted off by Ego who glares at her.

"Eh.. Uhm.."
Sora was nervous and confused as she mumbles then saw the empty seat to see the monitors

"Whatever. I know I don't like the likes of them two, Why did you invite them here, Teieri?"
Ego says as he goes to adjust his glasses and Anri sighs while saying

"It cause I'm having a hard time with these work and I needed help, Ego-san"
Anri explains with a stern expression as Ego sighs.

"Do what you want.. We have a meeting to attend. Get ready, Teieri."
Ego says with that creepy stare and he exits the room.

"Ah! Wait Ego-san. You guys stay here and I'll go to attend a meeting alright."
Anri sighs and she tells them three to stay in the monitoring room until they return then she left, the door shutting automatically behind her.

"What now..?"
Hakiru and Sora accidentally said in the same time then laughs.
As for Tokime, she sits down and looks at the monitors, seeing a lot of rooms until she saw a room filled with 300 people who are waiting for something.

She mumbles silently as she looks at the monitor.
Hakiru and Sora were still laughing until they saw Tokime being more focused than usual and got curious.

"Hey, what's that..?"
Hakiru asks as she looks at the monitor Tokime is watching.

"I don't know. There's just a lot of people gathering in this room.."
Tokime explains as she was also curious at why they are in that room.

"Maybe that's the 'meeting' that the glasses guy said?"
Sora shrugs as she thinks that maybe it was the meeting.

"Well maybe."
Tokime sighs and she goes through the camera again while zooming in the camera then saw a guy with orange hair and a muscular body then stays silent.

"Uh.. Tokime? You've been staring at that person for a minute now.. You okay, girl?"
Hakiru exclaims as she raises an eyebrow at her and she jolted slightly.

"I did? Of course not"
Tokime rolls eyes as she tells Hakiru that she isn't staring at the guy.

"Does someone has a new crush here??"
Says Sora teasingly at Tokime and she scoffs while checking out other cameras, eventually reaching..
A boy with black hair with yellow tips having a large cute smile on his face and has yellow eyes then fell down the chair since Hakiru pushed Tokime away from the monitor.

"Who's that cute guy?!"
Hakiru looks at the monitor while Tokime sighs, annoyed.

"Wow, you didn't have to push me, Hakiru."
Tokime rolls eyes sarcasticly as she gets some dust off her clothes.

Hakiru ignores her as she looks at the boy who was on the monitor. While Sora smiles nervously as sweat drops from her forehead. Hakiru accidentally pushed the wrong button and the camera turns it's direction to a boy with blue eyes and midnight blue hair that has a nervous look on his face.

Hakiru panics while Sora looks at the monitor as if she fell in love at first sight.

"Oh gosh uhm.."
Sora got embarrassed as she turns her gaze away from the monitor, feelin flustered as Tokime looks at her with a slightly concerned look.

"Uh.. You good?"
Tokime sighs and she asks Sora while Hakiru was still trying to find the guy she think was cute.

"I think I've been shot by cupid.."
Sora mumbles as Tokime sighs, thinking
'Why is this happening..'

Hakiru eventually got to the camera where it was recording the room that has a lot of people and saw them enter a gate that opened on the stage.

"What's happening right now??"
Hakiru exclaims as Tokime and Sora turned their gaze towards her

"What do you mean, Kiru?"
Sora asks as Tokime just raises an eyebrow at her.

"Like, they're literally going in a gate that opened on stage. I'm wondering what's behind that gate y'know."
Hakiru explains as she sighs, looking at them both.

"Roll the other cctvs."
Tokime says calmly then Hakiru turns to the next camera in which they were given a suit by Anri and saw them getting to their blocks then rooms.

Hakiru thought of an idea and tells her idea to both of them.

"What if we sneak in? Like it would be fun pretending to be a boy, right?"
Hakiru explains while smirking, trying to convince them.

"What? No-"
Tokime says as Sora cuts her off by saying

"YES!! That's a brilliant idea, Hakiru!"
Sora says while smiling and Hakiru, smiling pridefully.

"Of course it was, I mean who made that idea, duh"
Hakiru rolls eyes playfully then laughs with Sora while Tokime rethinks about the idea.

Eventually Tokime gave in to the temptation and sighs

"Fine, but one of us has to be a manager since Anri needs at least one person"
Tokime says as she crosses her arms infront of her chest

"Uh.. how 'bout Sora?"
Hakiru smiles devilishly as Sora gives her an annoyed look

"Why me?! I want to see the guy that has blue eyes y'know!"
Sora argues as she wanted to join them both but then Tokime sighs.

"Then Sora is the one who's staying here. You look out for us because we probably need you. You're important here, Sora."
Tokime says with a calm expression while Hakiru nods.

"That's right, you're is really important here now. You can give us directions to do things and help us if one of us.. y'know, blood and all"
Hakiru explain as she smiles nervously at her and Sora can't help but feel happy

"Am I really that important? Thanks for the compliment guys."
Sora smiles as she nods then the siblings, Tokime and Hakiru says goodbye to Sora and went out to find the suits to wear.


Thank you for reading
I hope you enjoyy, i know it's cringe and stuff🥲
But thank you for reading until here

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