5 「 S T O M A C H - A C H E 」 0

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third point of view

𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄, Catherine attempted to ignore his words, instead stepping forwards to once again press herself up against Sam.

Willing to simply ignore the women outside in order to continue what they had been doing previously, however Sam had different ways to satisfy her in mind.

"Mind yourself," Sam spoke as he grabbed a hold of her jaw once again, gazing into her eyes with a smirk and unbridled lust. "make them go away and we can finish, understand?"

Nodding her head profusely whilst looking up at the man putting on her best begging bunny eyes without pouting, mentally begging him to change his mind.

Although she could see it in his face that he wasn't going to, so instead she took a step back and headed towards the bathroom door with slick lacing her inner thighs.

Fruitlessly flattening out her dress and hair despite Sam already haven straightened out everything, before she finally pulled open the bathroom door.

Simply peaking her head far enough out that they could see her, keeping the rest of her body hidden as if they'd be able to see every last print Sam left on her body moments ago.

"Yes?" She spoke putting on her best innocent expression, looking between both Michelle and Emily, both of which looked slightly impatient.

"Have you seen Sam," Emily was the first to speak up with a question as she leaned over on to her left leg, confused by her cousin's disappearance. "he said he was gonna go check out back, but we haven't seen him."

Fighting every urge she had to glance back at the very man they were asking for, who was standing on the other side of the bathroom with a smirk on his lips.

HIs eyes trained on Catherine's backside as she was slightly bent forwards in order to not be fully in the door, giving Sam the perfect view of her plump bottom.

And seeing her nervously twisting her foot into the ground as his trailed from her ankles to her ass for the fifth time, he couldn't but lick his lips.

A better idea than the one he had planned popping up in his head, causing him to take a few steps forwards quietly sneaking up on an unassuming Catherine.

"No, no, I-" Catherine attempted to lie quickly, although her voice betrayed her slightly as she felt Sam's hands sudden caressing her hips. "I haven't."

Quickly clearing her throat as she noticing the confused looks Emily and Michelle were throwing after her voice cracked, whilst also stomping her foot back.

Stomping down on top of Sam's foot trying to subtly disuade the man from what he was doing despite the rush of arousal she felt, even as he pinched at her hip.

A punishment for her little stomp down onto his foot, which he surprisingly felt, although he didn't really have the time to focus on it as her arousal became clear to him.

"But he probably just went back to the car to grab something," Catherine tried to continue the conversation she was currently having, yet as she felt his hand slowly inching their way under dress she stuttered. "h-h-he shouldn't be long, don't worry."

Clearly confused by all the stuttering and obvious red flush that'd flown over Catherine's face, Emily couldn't help but narrow her eyebrows confused, yet none the wiser about the situation.

"Yes, well will you be anytime soon," Michelle spoke up this time, not understanding why both sides of the couple had sudden disappeared. "if this house isn't to your liking-"

"No," Catherine quickly cut the woman off, finally for a moment truly tuning into the conversation as she really did love this particular house. "no, I-I love it, I really do."

Pausing as she tried to come up with some sort of reason as to why she was hiding in the bathroom and would be hiding in the bathroom as ever long as Sam would be.

Although her mind wasn't exactly clear as she felt the man, who unbeknowst to her was on his knees with his hands running over the larger part of her bottom.

Risting the urge to smack at the sexily thick upper thighs that were directly in his face, or better yet her bottom as he was so curious of what shade of red it would turn.

Especially as he lifted the bottom of her dress over her ass, giving him a clear mouthwatering view of the sexiest pair of laced pink panties that kept her perfect pussy away from him.

"I'm just," She attempted to lie pausing as she felt Sam's teeth graze her the swell of her bottom in a playful bite, causing her hand to involuntarily move down to push at him from between her legs as she finally thought of a lie. "I'm having this weird pain in my stomach, that I just can't seem to get rid of."

At her words and the hand that look as if it was holding her stomach, Michelle's face softened as she'd already been led to believe that the girl was pregnant.

Emily on the other hand was now even more confused as she knew Catherine wasn't pregnant, this was their first date for gods sake.

And her confusion was easily noticeable on her face as her eyebrows furrowed deeply and her arms never uncrossed, but she still couldn't put her hand on what was fishy to many non-sexual ideas flowing through her mind.

"Oh my." Michelle spoke softly only barely registering in Catherine's enhanced sense of hearing, the realtor's hand coming to partially cover her mouth in pity.

However from behind Catherine, Sam couldn't help but chuckle with a smirk on his lips listening to the lies carelessly slipping from his sweetheart's mouth.

At least that was before he reached up, running his middle and ring finger vertically, up and down the center of her underwear directly over her covered cunt.

"I-" She squeaked as she felt his large fingers running over her panties, yet she least expected the tongue that followed licking a long stripe up her cunt.

Causing a small tremor to run down her spine, her hand gripped the material covering her stomach before attempted to steady herself as her face flushed an even brighter red.

"Sorry, the pain." She lied after a few seconds of breathing, her eyes diverted at the ground no longer able to make eye contact with the women in front of her whilst participating in such activities.

Honestly she'd never expected something like this of herself, before meeting Jacob, Sam, and the rest of the pack, she'd done many many kinky things.

But never as much as having her partner's face buried deep into her cunt as he licked around sloppily over her underwear even whilst she talked to his relative and a realtor.

"I just did-didn't want to worry Sam," She continued to lie as she felt Sam backing away from her, causing her to dodging glance up at the women for a moment. "you understand right?"

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