Chapter 3

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I quickly got up the next morning. I was finally  going back to the Aviary today! I pulled on a pair of cargo shorts and an elbow length maroon shirt. I pulled my hair into a French-braid and brushed my teeth, as well as putting on a bit of make-up.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a quick breakfast, fed King and grabbed my keys. I walked out to my shed and grabbed my pack, goggles and face mask. (Photo) I ran to my car and sped off to the Aviary. A horn honked multiple times and I looked into the side mirror. I saw Owen on his bike zooming next to my car.

"What are you doing?!" I rolled down the window and asked.

"I was going to see if you wanted to go for lunch, but you seem busy." He stated and pointed to my speeding car.

"Sorry." I apologized and slowed down a bit. "I get to go back to work today and I'm just really excited." I jumped a bit in my seat.

"Okay." Owen nodded and reaves his engine a bit. "I'll race you."

I shook my head with a laugh and smirked his way. "Your on."


"You cheated!" I exclaimed and jumped out of my car.

"Whatever." Owen laughed. "Don't be a sore loser."

"I'm not a sore loser!" I jabbed my finger on his chest. "You'd be the same way if I had cheated."

I turned around a stomped off to the Aviary. I unlocked the workers entrance and slammed the door behind me. Three...Two...One...

"Erin, I'm sorry okay." Owen ran in. "I cheated and I shouldn't have." He apologized and ran in front of me.

I looked down at the ground and crossed my arms. I slowly looked up and narrowed my eyes at him before bursting out laughing.

"Oh man! You should've seen your face!" I clutched my stomach and looked up.

Owen had a shocked look on his face. He narrowed his eyes before pointing at me. "You're an ass."

"Whatever." I wiped a tear away and walked to a cabinet.

I unlocked the door and pulled out a bucket filled with fish. I put a couple in my pouch and strapped on my pack. I wrapped my face mask around my neck and put my goggles on top of my head.

"Here, hold this." I handed Owen the bucket of fish and walked to the entrance of the glass cage.

"What am I going to do with this?" He asked and raised it higher.

"Just hold it." I walked onto a big rock and Owen followed closely behind.

I pulled up my goggles and face mask before turning to Owen.

"What are you doing?" He rose and eyebrow at me.

I gave him a two finger salute before running and jumping off the rock.


I pushed a blue button on the side of my pack strap and my wings expanded. I flew straight up into the air and let out a shrill whistle. It was quiet for a few seconds before a loud roar was heard. Dozens of Pteranodons came flying over the trees. I nose dived and a few followed. I flew over Owen and gave a signal with my arm, and he threw a few fish into the air.

"Comet!" I called.

A red tinted Pteranodon let out a screech and flew towards me at full speed. I held out a hand and he came to a stop.

"Good." I nodded and balled my hand into a fist.

Comet let out a screech and twirled around before turning back to me.

"Eyes on me." I pointed to my eyes and back at Comet.

I flew up in the air and flew chest to abdomen next to Comet. I came to a stop before diving to the ground. Comet let out screech and followed after. I flew back onto the rock and Comet landed after I did.

"Good boy!" I praised and rubbed his beak. He let out a happy squawk and flapped his wings.

"Wow! That was amazing!" Owen said and I whipped around to see his shocked face.

"Thanks." I nodded and gave him a smile.

Comet nudged my shoulder and I fell forward a bit. I shook my head and
laughed at the impatient Pteranodon.

"Owen, this is Comet." I rubbed Comets neck.

"Comet, this is Owen, my friend." I turned his head to look at me. "Be nice." I gave him a pointed look.

He let out a screech and flew off.

"That's amazing."

"What is?" I asked and turned to Owen.

"You get to interact with the Pteranodons, and they let you." He stated.

"You get to do that with your Raptors." I pointed out.

"No I don't." He shook his head. "Not like that. They'd bite my head off."

"Whatever." I laughed and shook my head.

I grabbed the bucket and walked down the rock and over to a canon type thing.

"What are you doing now?" Owen asked and followed me down.

"It's feeding time." I stated and dumped the bucket out into the canon. "And your helping."

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