Chapter 11

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I flew to the lab as fast as I could. I soon saw the lab come into view and I slowed down, gently landed in front of it. Not a minute later the others pulled in next to me. Owen quickly hopped off of his motorcycle and grabbed my hand, pulling me with him towards the lab. When we actually entered the lab, I looked around with wide eyes.

"They—they cleared the lab." Claire looked around with disbelief and shock.

A small crash was heard from the back and we all turned to the sound. We slowly crept forward towards the noise and entered the back portion lab with caution. Same as before, upon entering I looked around with wide eyes. There were glass tanks filled with different creatures. Ones that I have never even seen before.

The sound of running gas was heard and I whipped around to see soliders puting multiple test tubes into an isolated box. I went to confront him but stopped when I caught a glimpse of a computer screen.

"What the hell is this?" I whispered and examined the codes that were running across the screen.

"Something you'll never understand." A voice stated.

I whipped around and saw that Hoskins coming around a corner. I stepped forward to hit him, but a hand pulled me back.

"You need to stop this." Owen stated as he stepped in front of me.

"Why should I?"

"Because if you don't, thousands—maybe millions of lives will be at stake!" I exclaimed as I sent a hard glare his way.

"If these get to the right hands, everyone will be perfectly safe." Hoskins picked up a tube and waved it around in the air.

I clenched my fists at my sides and glared at the oversized pig in front of me. I swear, if he didn't stop talking, I'll probably do something that I won't regret.

"Besides, what do you know about embryolo—"

I snapped and rushed at him, throwing a hard punch to his jaw. I went to kick him but Owen grabbed my shoulders and pulled me out of the way.

"You bitch!" Hoskins exclaimed as he stood up and rubbed his now sore jaw.

He went to attack but, as always, Owen intervened and pushed him back.

"I swear, if you come near her..." He held out his hand and glared at Hoskins.

Hoskins just stood there, a glare set hard on his face. But that was removed when a screech was heard and Echo came running in the room. Owen held his arms out in front of us and all watched as Hoskins backed into a glass wall.

"Nice Raptor." He held his hand out to try and sooth the dinosaur. But Echo just let out a loud screech and snapped at him.

"It's okay. I'm a friend." Hoskins said. Echo seemed to have believed him and Hoskins smiled, putting his hand farther out.

"Good boy, I'm a friend."

Echo suddenly launched forward and sunk her teeth into Hoskins hand. He screamed in pain and we took that as our queue to run. We all ran down a hallway and made it to the center of the building.  But suddenly Echo had smashed through a glass pane and was now chasing us again.

As we ran past the center of the building, I slammed my hand on a computer pad and a dinosaur popped up, momentarily distracting Echo. We ran through the doors, and I was actually starting think we had made it to safety, but then Blue suddenly jumped out in front of us.

"Woah, Blue." Owen held out his hands as Blue screeched at us.

Another screech was heard and we turned to see Delta on the left of us, a snarl set on her face. One more screech was heard and Echo ran through the main doors, stopping behind us. Now we were trapped.

"Echo, it's okay girl." I held out my hand.

I clicked my tongue and it seemed to work. I held my hand so that the palm was facing upwards. I made the clicking noise one last time and she stopped moving.

"Good girl." I quietly praised and slowly walked towards her.

I was so close to her that I could almost touch her. But suddenly a loud roar was heard and the Indominus came walking around the corner.

One thing that I had seemed to have forgotten was that the Indominus was now in control of the three Raptors. We are totally and royally screwed.

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