I Touch With Your Permission Only

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I grab a fistful of his hair and forcefully yank his head back, force him to look at me.

He yelps and grimaces.

I know it hurts. I know it really fucking hurts.

That's why I did it. I know exactly what it takes to get to him and I know he hates it. But the loves it more, he truly loves it. Although, if I was to ask him that right now, he would spit in my face.

I smirk. He frowns.

I don't need to make him say the words, I can see the truth in his eyes. He loves this and he needs this.

I press my mouth to his ear.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find out? Did you think you'd get away with it?" I snarl and yank a little harder.

He shudders.

He knows not to answer those questions. Most of the time anyway. He does take his chances sometimes, just not when I have a fistful of his hair in my hand.

He continues to struggle and I pull harder still.

Another yelp, a strangled sort of wail, too.

Defiant little pet.

He does it every time and never gets away with it. Still, he refuses to learn his lesson. It's a little game he likes to play and so far, he's been getting away with forcing my hand.

Tonight, I'm going to change things up a bit. He's in for a surprise. Tonight, he'll learn a lesson he'll remember forever. Well, I'm being optimistic. He'll remember it for a couple of months, then he'll dip his toes back into the water.

I pull his hair again and watch him press his lips together as he stubbornly swallows a howl.

"Let it out, it'll feel so much better," I suggest but he merely glowers at me.

Fine, have it your way. You'll be screaming, begging me for mercy before the night is over. You always do and you know it. I'm not falling for your little tricks anymore. I never did in the first place. I just indulged you. But not this time. Tonight, you're not getting what you want. Tonight, you're getting what you deserve.

He continues to struggle and this time I yank so hard that he's forced to arch his back. "Be still," I warn him but he doesn't heed my advice.

He stubbornly struggles and I give him a pointed look. A wandless Stunner later he finds himself on his back on the ground with me towering over him.

"That's what you get," I laugh and he glares daggers at me. It's about all he can do.

I drop down on one knee beside him and gently caress his cheek and run my fingers through his hair to massage his scalp.

His eyes widen. He didn't expect the gentle touch. Then again, he didn't expect the Stunner either.

I could have forced him to the ground without the use of magic. I could have forced him to kneel, too. But I'd much rather he kneels because he wants to and not because I make him. He knows it. It just usually takes him a while to remember that.

"You're way too uncooperative, I don't want to play with you, I don't even want to be in the same room with you," I tell him and his eyes widen again. I continue to massage his scalp for a few moments, then return to caressing his cheek.

"I think we both know you need a bit of time to think, to calm down. That Stunner is going to wear off in about an hour and until it does, you're just going to lie here and think, long and hard, about how mouthy you've been this morning when all I did was to ask you a simple question."

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