𝟷𝟾| 𝐉𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐞'𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬

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"After you," Stu grinned, opening his bedroom door for you to enter. Not knowing what to expect, you clutched the beer bottle in your hand tighter as you walked inside.

You weren't sure if it was the nerves from being attacked just a few hours ago or the fact that you were in Stu's room alone with him, but your heart began to hammer loudly in your chest. You wouldn't be surprised if he could hear it.

"So..." You dragged out, glancing around. You haven't been inside his bedroom since the last party he threw—about a year ago—it has changed quite a lot. "What'd you need me for?"

"Nothin', you just looked like you could use a break," Stu said while shutting the door behind him. You sat down on the edge of his bed and smiled. "Was I really that obvious?"

"Yeah, but–" Stu paused when you abruptly stood again, walking over to his closet. The wooden door was littered with several polaroids of your friend group.

You spotted a picture of you and Stu from when you were ten and in grade school. It was field day, and the both of you were dirty, covered in mud from the tug-of-war game. Stu's mom thought it'd be cute to capture the memory of you two together, arms around each other's shoulders, smiling brightly. It was that day you determined that Stu would be a permanent figure in your life.

"I can't believe you kept this," You let out a surprised laugh. Stu approached you, tilting his head to see which photo you were pointing at. His smile grew when his eyes landed on the polaroid from almost a decade ago.

"I didn't realize how competitive you were until that day, Orth." He said, making you laugh even more. "We won almost every game because of you. Being your partner was the highlight of my life."

"Don't exaggerate," You rolled your eyes, playfully smacking him on the shoulder.

"I'm not!" He declared, hands held up in defense. "I remember seeing you around during school before that. You never spoke to anyone unless it was Billy. I thought you two were so cool."

What Stu didn't know was that you actually weren't cool at all. You used to be extremely shy. Billy and Casey were your only friends back then until Stu, being extremely extroverted, forced himself into your inner circle. He's the reason you came out of your shell all those years ago.

"Oh, Stuey..." You turned to the boy, patting his chest gently. "You're the cutest."

You walked past him while sipping your almost empty beer. Stu spun on his heel, following your movement as you sat back down on his bed.

"So, you think I'm cute?" He wiggled his brows, stepping closer.

You grinned, shaking your head at his insinuation. "I've always thought you were cute. I just never dared to say it... until now," you stared down at the beer bottle in your hand. You were definitely feeling a little tipsy at this point.

"I'm starting to like this drunk you," Stu said.

You just laughed and waved him off, "I think we should head back down. I need another beer."

Holding out your arms for Stu to help you up, he grabbed your hands and swiftly pulled you to your feet.

"Woah," You breathed out as your chest collided with his. He stared down at you with those piercing blue eyes, and your heart raced at the sudden closeness. Stu, very clearly, didn't seem to mind.

"Come on, doll." He stepped back, still holding your hand. However, your entire body froze at his words.


The all-too-familiar pet name rang in your ears. You weren't entirely oblivious to know that that was something the killer frequently called you. But to hear it come from one of your friends was quite unsettling.

Tear You Apart || Billy Loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now