O o o sweet love of mine

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" I came from and hell and back with only a slight scrap"


I did it. I'm alive. I can finally breathe again!

"Well looks like we made it" I said with a smile

"I thought you were going to bail on us Miss.Kieth" my Italian teacher says with a smug grin on his face.

"Well I didn't want to make you fail your favorite student." I said with the life coming back to me.

"Good thing Mike already landed, without a problem I may add." He laughed

"Ha ha very funny." I picked up my over loaded suitcase.

Buzz buzz. I dig into my packet to pull out my phone to see who texted me. Awh look at that my momma wanted to see if I landed okay. I quickly type back that all went well and everything was fine.

"Come now we must check into our hotel we all had a long day!" My Italian teacher shouted to us over the dim humming of people chatting.

My Italian teacher, Mr. Kale, was an average man in his 40s. He was one of those teachers who wanted you to have fun in his classroom. He was 6"2 with blonde hair and an oval face, he wasn't over weight or anything but he wasn't ripped and handsome. (I wish) He never seemed to pick favorites which always put him high on my list of teachers whom I enjoy. He had a wife and a daughter, somehow I pictured him as worn down by them.

We started to make our way out of the stuffy, cramped airport. Lots of pushing but somehow I came back from hell with only a scrape. I, the graceful swan that I am, cut myself on an edge of a sign. Leave it to me to bump into something that doesn't even move...

We make it out in one group and climb aboard a black coach bus that was waiting for us outside. The interior is cozy two seats, an isle, two more seats. Little tvs dot the ceiling, and a small bathroom with a little flower pot is in the back. The driver seems pretty cool she has chestnut brown hair the reaches her neck and light hazel eyes.  She greets us all with a smile. I take a seat in the middle of the bus and find that the seats are squishy and soft, just how they look. They have a funky pattern of green and blue but they aren't too bad. I end up sitting next to a quiet boy named Matt.

"Weeeeeellcome abaord everyone!"A faint British accent comes over the speakers on the bus. "My name is Cacey and I am going to be showing you around the beautiful city of Italy! I moved here from the UK in my early 20s and have been loving it ever since! I do have a few rules for you; One, please ask questions I am here to help and love to in anyway I can. Two, please leave all wrappers and garbage in the garbage can up front! Three, no matter how cheesy this is, have FUN!"

Cacey starts to drive and points out some pretty cool buildings and places. The city is all lit up with street lamps and car lights, it's amazing how beautiful it looks! We are all weary from the plane ride here and can't wait to lay down. For once someone isn't on my mind, just a cozy bed to fall into.

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