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The number of coffees I could have before I started shaking was about four. 

Or was it just my nerves? Either way, things weren't looking good for me, regardless of the pretty morning sunlight that filtered through the Kansas clouds like strips of sheer silk. Birds chirped cheerfully. People went about their day on their early commute to work, all while I panicked.

Jerking awake from a heart-pounding nightmare didn't help my situation this morning. Neither did the one who starred in my dreams—the very one I was on my way to distract. The Shadow. The violent spirit with a questionable mental state—who'd probably eat me alive today, turning my nightmares into a reality.



I zipped up my hoodie and huddled inside of it, pulling the sleeves down to cover my hands. I'd probably roast to death in this thing, but I felt safer, as always, with more layers. 

Darby was quieter than usual, focused on the windy road that led to Tales Untold. The closer we got, the more I sweated, and my psychic senses buzzed with worry. He had warned me not to come back...

As Tales Untold came into view, I swallowed. The waves of energy coming off the place were different. Menacing. Angry. 

My eyes flickered across the windows, trying to see any changes, but there were none. It was like an unseen cloud of doom was shadowing the place, so thick that it made my stomach roil.

"I have a bad feeling," I muttered, fighting the urge to squirm.

Darby frowned. "It'll be fine, I think." She tortured her bottom lip, pulling into the parking lot. "Got your walkie, right?"

I patted the walkie in my pocket and nodded. "Hopefully, I won't lose it this time."

I was pretty sure the Shadow, or another spirit, stole the last one I used. Darby also made more mystic charms—bracelets with tinkling crystals and white sage woven into the ribbons around my wrists. All hidden under the sleeves of my hoodie.

She put the van in park and rubbed her hands on the steering wheel. Her eyes were all shifty. "Ready to distract this thing so I can steal the spirit item?"

I took a deep breath.  "As much as I can be."


The air tasted like ash.

Odd, considering there weren't any fires to be seen. The air wasn't even smoky. There was an acidic film covering my tongue with each inhale, stinging my nostrils. Darby was waiting somewhere outside. As soon as I caught the Shadow's attention, I was to press the side button on my walkie. 

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