love and pain go hand in hand.

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A groan escaped your lips, so deep from within your chest and so full of pain, one might actually pity you. Valeria was not one to pity anyone. If anything, the woman couldn't get enough of your trauma.

"Get up," She ordered. "We're going on a walk."

"How on earth- urgh- how do you want me to do that?" Words left your mouth with struggle, the tip of the blade was still scratching along several muscles with the slightest twitch of your body.

"You will walk on your two legs that were given to you at birth."

Your head whipped up in disbelief. She can't be serious?

Seeing the disbelief written all over your face, Valeria couldn't help but let a chuckle escape her perfect lips.

"Oh, don't tell me you've given up already?"

"Never." You grumbled and shot her another glare.

You had to stay strong. This was only a stab wound, nothing too dramatic or life threatening, in theory. Since the blade had been twisted, it had caused more internal damage though. You would need stitches and a proper cleaning very soon or the chance of an infection would continue to grow.

She effectively hindered you from attempting an escape. With a wound like that you could run but only for a short amount of time until you'd have to slow down. You wouldn't get very far either.

This sick, twisted mind of hers thought about everything...

"We'll see about that, querida."

Without further ado her fingers closed around the robust handle of her knife and in one go pulled the damn thing out of your leg. Valeria was fast, too fast for your reflexes and you could only look on in horror, helplessly, without a chance to stop her.

When the knife had first entered you the pain was unbearable, but now that she removed it through already damaged tissue, it was unlike anything you could've imagined. Weirdly, this pain was worse than the one when the knife had entered.

"Holy– FUCK!" You yelled and let your head fall back, pain spreading through your nervous system. Bright, hot pain was blinding you, accompanied by a throbbing so intense and strong, it could've easily been a second heartbeat.

Valeria watched on in pleasure, wiping the blade against the fabric of your trousers to clean it of your bloody mess.

Unintelligible pleas, tinged in utter desperation met Valeria's ears.

Oh, the sounds that were coming from you.

Biting her lip, she appeared deep in thought and wondered what other sounds you could produce... were the scenario a different one.

Your head fell forward in exhaustion and you watched with half lidded eyes and a tired expression as more blood oozed from the wound, now that there was nothing in its way to block the exit, unable to help yourself in any way.

A gentle finger lifted your chin, forcing you to make eye contact with the woman in front of you.

Her actions were confusing. One second she was treating you nicely, with respect and then as if a switch was hit, she turned sadistic, keen on making you suffer to the max.

Dark chocolate colored eyes caught your gaze. One finger turned into two until her whole hand held your chin firmly. You didn't even bother to struggle against the tight grip. Why would you, when there were eyes in front of you so full of curiosity and longing.

You waited patiently for Valeria to talk, to ask a question... literally anything... but she remained silent.

The staring contest accompanied by heavy silence made you feel uncomfortable and you eventually diverted your gaze to the side. Her eyes narrowed in irritation.

Cherry Red | Valeria Garza 18+Where stories live. Discover now