One Second

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Dan was hiding. This wasn't different from usual, he was always hiding these days. Seeing Phil physically pained him. They hadn't exactly broken up, but they weren't exactly cuddling until 3am like they used to either. They were, as cliche as it sounds, "on a break."

As he lay on his bed, scrolling abysmally through tumblr, Dan heard the door to their apartment slam. His head shot up, thinking somebody had possibly broken in. Did I forget to lock the door...again? He thinks to himself. What the hell is going on? He stood slowly, making his way to his bedroom door and pulling it open with caution. Dan walked quietly down the hall and peeked his head around the corner, looking down the set of stairs leading to the door. And there was Phil.

Dan exhaled a relieved breath, happier to see Phil than he had been of late. Phil hadn't seen Dan, and Dan decided to keep it that way. He stole away back to his bedroom, trying to ignore Phil's frustrated mumblings behind him.

When Dan had reached his room again and shut the door, he could hear Phil's normally soft and gentle footsteps pounding angrily up the many stairs. Dan's heart jolted with each loud whack of his foot. Thump. Thump. Thump. He heard the door to the kitchen slide open and Phil stumble inside, ever clumsy and gangly. Dan almost chuckled. Almost.

Dan is back into his "browsing position" when he heard something hit the floor. A loud smacking sound and then the sound of something cracking against the tiles of their kitchen.

"Dammit!" Phil shouted. Dan is worried now. Phil never swears. Well unless he's playing Mario Kart, then he's dropping all the bombs as Dan would cut him off to win in the nick of time. Dan shoved his laptop to the side and power walks to his door, yanking it open harshly and rushing to the kitchen. When he burst through the door he saw the scene before him unfold. Phil leaning against the counter, muttering a repeated string of self depricating curse words with his head in his hands and Dan's favorite mug cracked in half on the ground.

"What happened?" Dan asked worriedly. Phil looks up at him, his blue eyes shocked to hear Dan's voice. Dan's voice had become foreign to him over the last few months. And in that instant Phil realized how little they had been speaking.

"I-I accidentally dropped the mug." Phil stammered, scared Dan would get mad and go off the edge a little. It wouldn't be the first time. "I'm sorry Dan, I know it was your favorite." Dan's heart stutters a bit as his resolve softens. He sees Phil's blue eyes shifting awkwardly around, unable to meet his gaze. It's dreadfully saddening to Dan, seeing the love of his life so uncomfortable with him.

"Phil you don't have to apologize about the mug it doesn't even matter. It's just a bloody mug!" Dan assured him. Phil didn't seem convinced. His eyes were brimming with tears and suddenly they were falling from his eyes, rolling steadily down his cheeks. "Shit Phil what's wrong?" Dan moved towards Phil and gingerly enveloped him in an embrace. Phil stiffened at first and Dan was about to pull away, realizing it was probably too soon. But Phil soon melted into Dan's hug.

"I almost got hit by a car today Dan." Phil whispered. "I almost died." Dan can feel Phil's tears dripping onto his shoulder. Dan hadn't touched Phil like this in ages. It felt so good.

"Phil, you're okay. You're not dead. You're safe, here with me." Dan assured him softly. He could smell Phil's ever present scent of raspberry from the shower gel he still continues to purchase. Dan pressed a kiss to Phil's head, hoping Phil would calm down.

"It just got me thinking that we've been on bad terms recently and I hate not talking and I'm sorry about everything Dan I really am I just miss you and I couldn't bear to think that if I had died I would've gone with us not in a good place and-" Dan pressed his lips hard against Phil's to stop him rambling. Their lips set into place, making Phil's head spin and Dan's lips tingle. It was a kiss filled with every emotion possible and then some.

"I love you, Phillip Michael Lester. I've loved you since the day we met and I haven't stopped loving you a day since. And though it's hard to admit I've missed you desperately." Dan said, his eyes searching the complexity of Phil's crystal clear blue orbs. There are so many layers of color Dan had never really noticed before.

"Can we be off our break?" Phil asked tentatively. Dan smiled a little, sliding his hand into Phil's and ruffling his hair with the other.

"Of course we can you idiot." Dan agreed. Phil chuckled, knowing Dan's teasing comment was a sign they were slowly growing back to normal. Phil kissed his lips again, quickly and sweetly, leaving Dan with the taste of his lip balm lingering there.

"And by the way, I love you too." Phil mentioned, causing Dan's smile to grow wider.


A/N- this is reposted from my tumblr ( ) so if you could go give it a like and reblog over there that'd be fantastic.

requests, feedback, questions, etc. can be directed to either my wattpad or tumblr inboxes.

thanks for reading!

- sam <3

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