Punishment (S)

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⚠️Homophobic Sanji AU⚠️

The sweet aroma of freshly cooked food flushed through the kitchen. Sanji sighed a sigh of relief and accomplishment as he sat down at the table, join the rest of his nakama.

"Thanks for the food Sanji, it smells great!" Nami said. He smiled a wide smile and his eyes formed hearts.

"No problem Nami-swan!" He swooned. Zoro rolled his eyes before picking up his fork and starting to eat.

"Thanks for the food Sanji!" Luffy said, his grin holding up half of his face.

"It's my duty as the cook, my job is to feed my captain." Sanji said, bowing his head like he was putting on some performance.

"It's alright." Zoro mumbled through a mouthful of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth open while you eat, Marimo." Sanji spat.

"Yeah yeah whatever.." Zoro sighed as he scooped another spoonful into his mouth.

"Anyways, Robin, you wanted to ask me something earlier?" Sanji turned towards Robin, who lifted her head from a book and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yes, I never got round to it did I?" Robin chuckled, setting her book down on the wooden table.

"My question was, 'where actually were you during those two years?' We all told you where we were, but you never told us what you had been up to. You seemed to have been avoiding the question."

This query peaked Zoro interest, as he was also suspicious of where Sanji had been before they met up again.

"O-oh? You really want to know?" Sanji seemed puzzled by the question.

"Yes, I think all of us are quite interested." Robin looked to Usopp and Nami, who both nodded in agreement.

"Uhm..okay. I was on and Island with all these freaks, they called themselves Okamas. They chased me for days on end, I even had to learn how to skywalk just to get away from them. Some creepy motherfuckers for sure.."

Nami was stunned, but also bursting out laughing.

"Really?! Did they ever put you in dresses or something?!" 

Sanji cringed at Nami laughing at him.

"Yeah.. maybe.."

She started to laugh even harder, Usopp and Luffy joining her. Zoro hear a faint Yohoho at the other side of the table.

"Hey! It's not funny, it was extremely traumatic!" Sanji exclaimed.

"Do you like men now?" Usopp asked, a mocking look on his face.

"Ew! Never! I'm not a freak!" 

Zoro's fists clenched.

"You think gay people are freaks?" Usopp followed up, the humour in the room dying down. He seemed more serious.

"Yeah? A man liking another man? I would rather be chocked to death." Sanji rolled his eyes as he continued.

"They just creep me out, I hate em' really." 

Zoro could hardly contain his own anger.

"Oh.. I didn't know you thought of them that way, is there a reason why?" Usopp asked.

"They're just weird, why like another guy when there's such beautiful women? And all of the Okamas were just... creepy."

The room was almost silent. The others were mildly stunned that Sanji had those strong opinions.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2024 ⏰

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