Powers and such and such

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So this a story about Maria Di Angelo, the lover of Hades before the Big Three Pact was made. She was the daughter of the one and only Gaia. Demigod daughters (or even sons) of Gaia were extremely rare, since mostly Gaia was always hitting the snooze button on her alarm clock. 

Here are her list of powers, read them if you want, they are anyway going to be shown and explained throughout the story anyway.  You should know, none of there powers are mine, they belong to the group of people who edited this fandom page below. I will not take credit for their work, so thank you sooo much for this! With out them, this fanfic would not exist. 


 But I'd read the powers, it gives us a sense of how powerful Maria is, and helps understand more correctly how exactly she came back from the dead with Hades realising. I'll try to maintain a steady updating, one chapter a week, but some chapters are extremely long, so those might take like two weeks or something. Chapter 6 or 7 might. Well, have fun reading and hope to see you soon!

                                                                                                       - Sara


Powers Universal Demigod Abilities - 

As a child of the Protogenoi or 'Primordial Goddess' of the earth, Gaia, the 'generic demigod traits' of Maria Di Angelo are extremely enhanced, far, far beyond that of any normal demigod and noticeably stronger than those of a child of the Big Three Gods (Zeus, Poseidon and Hades). These include superhuman strength, senses, reflexes, speed, agility, endurance and durability while on the ground.

As the stronger demigods of Poseidon have been rivaling even Titans in strength, Maria Di Angelo would thus be even physically stronger than gods and Titans, easily able to break apart and mold mountains with her bare hands.

Kinetic Abilities

1. Geokinesis - 

 Maria Di Angelo has absolute Geokinesis on a scale far eclipsing any child of Hades or Demeter. Besides another god of the earth or a sibling, no other Geokinetic can ever overrule a child of Gaia's control over the earth.

As her Geokinesis is absolute, it includes complete control, shaping, manipulation, creation and dispelling of any material from the earth, including dirt, mud, rocks, sand, minerals, concrete, metals, quicksand, jewels, crystals and, for only her, even lava. It also allows her to turn people or objects into an earthly material of any kind.

This can be used destructively to cause huge earthquakes, sinkholes and landslides, but can also be used constructively, to create weapons, armor and even buildings.

2. Ferrokinesis - 

As an extension of her absolute control of the earth, Maria Di Angelo can control precious metals and jewels. Not even a child of Hades/ Pluto can mach them in their ferrokinetic power. As a part of her Ferrokinesis, Maria Di Angelo can summon or crate any metal or jewel she desires, and are able to shape it with a simple thought.

3. Chlorokinesis - 

Maria Di Angelo can mentally and/or physically summon, control and manipulate plants and vegetation, (Even including fungus spores and mosses.) She can control and manipulate wood, rock soil, roots, fruits, and flowers, even moss found in a natural field or habitat. She can use this ability to have their enemies ensnared in plants, or even telepathically communicate with plant life and vegetation; an ability known as "green-speaking"., quite similar to charm-speaking. Maria Di Angelo can even turn objects and people into plants with this power, as shown when Gaia turned Daphne into a laurel tree. Maria Di Angelo has very powerful chlorokinesis to the point where she can control entire forests that cover hundreds of miles of

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