Chapter 13.

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The sun begins to disappear from the night sky replacing it with the moon. Students as well as the teachers are busy preparing for the campfire.

"Thank you for helping me Luna," a student said making my heart take a leap calling me Luna.
I help her to carry some loads full of food for the campfire.

"N-No don't call me that," I said blushing.

"I think it sounds fine to me," Kai said out of nowhere.

"Kai!" we exclaimed. "You almost give us a heart attack".

"Sorry about that tomato head," he said smiling while getting the box in my hand.

"You don't need to help me... I'm strong. Look!!" I said flexing my invisible biceps.

He chuckled walking with the box. I followed him at the bonfire, seeing them preparing the fire and food.

Kai put down the loads and opened it revealing a pack of marshmallows, crackers, chips, and other snacks. He handed me a bag of marshmallows that I happily took.

There are multiple bonfires on the sites that everyone can occupy so that it's not crowded. You can enjoy a cozy evening under the stars, I smile. I saw Kai looking at me with something in his eyes. I tried to avoid his gaze but my heart racing hard. Shitt, I hope he didn't hear it. I heard him chuckle and suddenly my whole face became hot. 

"Let me help you with that," he said taking the stick with the marshmallow. sitting beside me. I gulp smelling his scent just i realize not paying attention to it on the bus. 

"You can get yours, you know" I hissed trying to reach the stick.

"You're bad at doing it" moving the marshmallow higher.

"WHAT!! try me, I can do things better" 

"MMMM No," he said moving his head closer to mine so that our noses are touching looking deep down trying to suck my soul. I left speechless unable to move from my spot that something was stopping me

"K-Kai?" I whispered.

"Shh let me stare at you like this" 

I could feel his hot breath on my face giving me goosebumps, He brought my face down to my chin lifting my face and facing him directly I looked at his eyes full of emotion that I could not draw. I gasp when his soft lips touch my lips, feeling millions of electricity running through my body. A kiss felt so long even in a second. I became red when he started to move his lips I clenched his shirt trying not to let him in. This man.

His hand roams around my back touching my nape, he bites my lips making me gasp and take the opportunity to enter his tongue. He roams his tongue inside of my mouth. I can't breathe, I feel like I'm drowning. I punch his chest making him stop. Thank God he stopped, if not I will kick his balls. 

I'm breathless. Realization hit me!!! 
What if people saw us?!!

"Don't worry Yuan, no one cares. What's wrong with two werewolves mates kissing together" he assuringly said.

Who cares!! Of course, it's me. Why did I not stop it? I glared at him. 

I start to argue with this jerk when a distressed-looking staff running toward us. 

Kai and I look at each other. 

"What"s wrong? Did something happen" Kai first on to ask. 

"A-alpha... The cabin... T-they here!!!" a shuttering staff said. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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