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I send a quick text to my mom letting her know I'm hanging with a friend afterschool and i should be home in a hour....she responds with a thumbs up and i can tell she's still hurt from earlier. I sigh and just keep silent in the car with Edward...

"Your wrong..." he suddenly speaks.

Wrong about what?

"It's not about her being a human that i can't control myself around her...she's my Blood singer. She's literally my soulmate in human form...her blood sings to your wrong. It has nothing to do with my killer side that attracts me to her. If anything, Im trying to stay away from her. I don't want her to know about us or my world...and if Carlisle was smart, he wouldn't have told you either..."

He didn't really tell me, he more of asked me if I knew since my people are taught about your kind through stories...your a part of our history already...

Then i realize something...

Wait, this whole time i haven't said a word, how are you responding to me?!

For the first time ever, he smiles at me. "I'm a mind's my gift." he tells me.

Okay, very cool but it also meant he heard my thoughts about his dad....

"Yes and no, i heard parts of it but i tried to tune out the other...stuff" he eyes me making me blush.

We pull into the driveway and i stare at the house in awe. It was so big and elegant... Edward opens the door for me which I thank him and follow them inside. It was so pretty in here...I admire all the furniture and art they had hanging....they had really good taste in decorating....

"Alice, she decorates everything for us." Edward smiles walking past me up the stairs.

I follow him up the stairs and head straight for the sofa sitting down and just taking in everything. "Dad said he'll be here soon but for now we can have a fun chat!'' Alice smiles at me sitting on the sofa too.

"So... tell us about yourself a little more! I mean I know some stuff about you through my vision but i want to know more!" she rambles. "Alice, give her a second to breathe'' Edward smiles at his sister. "Sorry just really excited! I saw you coming but I wasn't sure which path you would choose!''

Which path I would choose?

She made my life sound like a game.

"Alice, she doesn't know about your gift. She still doesn't know a lot about us." Edward informs her for me. I smile at him thankful he gets me. 

Thank you.

He nods heading to the kitchen. "Sorry, as you know I'm Alice, I have the gift of looking into the future! My visions come at me at random times but there always about important things like you for example. I saw you moving here two weeks ago and you running into Carlisle at the hospital and with you being his mate-"


Like an Imprint?

"Alice...let Carlisle tell her." Edward interrupts her handing me a glass of water.

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