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It may seem I almost lost my life to a freaking branch...

But really, it was over twenty pounds of weight just clenched into my abdomen cavity. It hurt like hell and I clenched my teeth because of it. I was just desperately happy to see Siren-head in person...Yeah, maybe too much of a fanboy you'd assume...But I mean come on man, if you were to see the size of him, it was sooo bizarre...He was at least twenty feet tall...

I was a little angered at Siren-head but then I thought to myself that maybe he was scared and that was just one of his instincts. "Heh," I laughed at the thought. Because I knew it was just that for real. I've read most of the articles and collections of Siren-Head ever since I was five years old. I mean I'm twenty-six now...never grew out of the creepypasta fandoms. Yeah so uh, mom thought I was a whole wreck train ordering all the creepypasta merch with her credit card I stole one night...Heh...Let's just say the talk was much longer than expected...

Oh, I never told you about my parents? My bad. I apologize ugh my mind hasn't been focused since the fall. Yeah uh about them, okay my dad just up and left since the day I was born so I never initially met him in the first place. Mom? Heh well, she...had issues with drugs, and one day I found her on the floor of the bathroom when I was just age ten. That was the age I also lost her. Yeah, it hurt a lot but I knew I had to move on to continue my life story. And here I am, very happily able to share it with you!

Okay sorry, I'll keep to the subject...

I began walking through the woods, putting one of my hands near my large bloody wound. I'd been losing a lot of blood and my stomach felt queasy, my hearing was a bit muffled for some reason. 

"Who are you?" words from my right side asked. The words sounded very familiar, and when I turned my head to the sight, it was Slenderman. He looked down at my wound and lightly nodded and then placed his gaze on me shortly after.

"Hello Slendy!" I called him for short.

Slenderman shifted what seemed to be his non-existent eyebrow placement.

I scratched the back of my head dumbly, "...It's Marcel."

He studied me for a moment and then spoke again, "How would you like to become one of my proxies?" 

I gasped very awkwardly and rushed my words from all the excitement. "Oh--my--gosh!?" I must've looked entirely stupid at that moment..."I mean," I calmed down a bit, "Sure thing." I placed my arms on the back of my head to look cool effect. 

"You weren't going to ask what a proxy might be?" Slenderman tilted his head in confusion. "You're unique. All the others question it but you didn't and you'd like to blindly commit?" 

"I mean..."

"Go kill something and bring it back to me."

My eyes widened and I gulped, "E-excuse me?!"

Slenderman began to walk off a bit but I rushed over to him, "Hey wait! Okay, I'll go kill something, I swear okay?!..." I spoke the unknown words coming from my mouth.  Slenderman stood in silence. Why was I so committed? What was my reason? Even I didn't know but in life, I realized I don't have much to lose anyway. "As your proxy Slendy, heh." I gave him a light smile and he gave me one back.

Tonight was already a great night besides the trauma I experienced earlier on in the day. I was glad life had been slowly opening up to me. How the hell did I get sooo lucky to get to meet Siren-head and now Slenderman? I was at a loss for words and that same foolish smile of mine couldn't leave my face, even if I stood in pain.

Marcel (Fan-made Creepypasta oc story)Where stories live. Discover now