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I lowered my head and my dark hair covered my eyes as I studied the ground, finding many pebbles and leaves of many colors, reds, goldens, and orange colors in fact. I chuckled a little bit for some reason and then it became a frown when I thought of the little girl I'd killed for Slenderman. "What's up?" said Ben's voice from above. I glanced up and he was there sitting on a branch, swaying his feet back and forth. His eyes were a little watery to show some sympathy.

"It's nothing," I said with a smile as I watched him float down from the tree and he started walking with me. 

Ben Drowned pointed at my hoodie as I looked and listened, "What's with the toxic waste sign anyways?" He dropped an eyebrow and raised the other. 

"They're my favorite," I responded as I shrugged and then I scratched the back of my neck.

Ben Drowned smiled at me as I gave one back to him. I watched as he stuck out his tongue, tagged the side of my arm, and spoke, "You're it!" and he vanished. I chuckled, shaking my head. Then that weird feeling inside of my body came back. I shrugged it off but then my hands started glowing a green color and I freaked out. "The fuck?!" I swiped my arms around to get the color away but it stayed. "Ben, help?!" It was quiet for a moment, "Hey come on this isn't a game anymore!" I started laughing as I played with the light from my hands and then swayed them in a circle. 

"Man, holy shit!..." I said in disbelief as I heard a loud whooshing noise and a portal appeared from my hands. I stood for a moment and then took steps closer to the portal. I raised my arm and stuck it through the portal and then I felt the cold air from the other side. I shrugged at it, then fell forward into the portal. It was colorful, colors scattered, glitched, but then it got quiet, then dark. I blinked and then opened my eyes and there I was right behind Ben Drowned. I tagged him from behind, then touched his shoulder and said, "Got you!" Ben jumped wildly as he was surprised, looking behind him. 

"How the hell?" Ben shrieked. 

I shrugged. "Only the best!" I sang and then put my hands on my hips and leaned closer to him. "So who won?"

Ben growled, "That's beginner's luck, Marcel. Don't flatter yourself." He crossed his arms and looked away as his green hat and blonde hair swayed. 

"You bet it," I said as I grinned. "Come on Ben, I wanna show you something okay? Don't tell anyone promise?"

Ben nodded his head and I also nodded. "Okay so..." I began circling my hands again. But nothing happened. "What are you even doing?" Ben questioned. 

"Quiet!" I shushed him as I tried to concentrate. 

"Geez okay," Ben huffed as he watched. I continued to circle my hands, closing my eyes and focusing on my breathing. The whooshing happened, and there it was the portal. Ben gasped, "How did you?..."

"Heh, what did I say?" I winked and then ran right through the portal. As I was floating through the portal, I could see Ben just curiously standing behind the portal. "Ben, come on it's safe trust me!" I think he heard me because then, he walked in and then floated through the portal by my side. "Whooo!" I cheered and I spread out my arms as he did a backflip in the air and then laughed, and he said, "Marcel this is fun!"

"Mhmm!" I agreed and flew through as I opened my eyes, and crouched to the ground. I waited for Ben to come out of the portal and it took a long time. The portal exit closed tightly and I gasped, "Shit!" I circled my hands but nothing. Again, nothing. Nothing, nothing...not a chance. I started panicking, and I paced back and forth with my arms behind my head. Jeff found me walking around and I freaked. 

"Damn, what's wrong with you?" Jeff growls. "You got something to say to me?"

"Nothing!" I said with a fake widened smile.

Jeff growled heavily, "Clearly something is wrong. Fess up!"

"Ummm well..."

Jeff tilted his head at me and rolled his eyes. "Well?! I don't have all day you know."

I gulped and then the words escaped my mouth, "WELL I GOT BEN STUCK IN ONE OF MY FUCKING PORTALS! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" I gasped and then covered my mouth with my hands as I saw Jeff's expression. 

"Wait, so you're telling me that you killed Ben?"

"Uh, um maybe, like I dunno for sure..." I stroked my chin and looked in a different direction.

Jeff laughed.

"Wait, that's not even funny Jeff stop!" 

Jeff smiles, "He was annoying anyway."

"Jeff? Don't say a thing please!" I begged him and looked into his faded white eyes. 

"Cross my heart and hope to die," he sang to himself as he skipped away happily with his knife in his hands and deeper into the woods. I heard a chilling, "Go to sleep!" and a scream with it, and then it was silent.

I spent hours worrying and felt very nervous when it was time for dinner at the Proxy mansion. I walked my way up the steps with my hands in my hoodie pockets, looking down the whole time to avoid eye contact with all the creepypastas. I slightly glanced up and saw Eyeless Jack licking his fingers as he finished the last human kidney, Ticci Toby studdering his words happily to his favorite friends Hoodie and Masky, and Smile Dog being affectionate towards Jeff as he bent down to pat Smile Dog. 

Ticci Toby noticed me and spoke, "H-hey *whistled* Marcel! Here for d-d-dinner?"

Then Slenderman walked up to me and the room got quiet, Ticci Toby noticing and he gave way. I kept my gaze down as I felt all the Proxies staring and my heart skipped a beat. I slowly looked up at Slenderman as he stood in front of me. 

"Hey, Slenderman old pal!" I posted a nervous smile on my face.

Slenderman spoke deeply, "Have you seen Ben lately?"

I hesitated a bit but then said, "Umm...no?" and I lifted an eyebrow and smiled, shrugging. Slenderman studied me closely with his features and I gulped back my saliva. Then all of a sudden, a portal opened from the ceiling and I looked up.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Ben screamed as he fell from the portal onto the checkered floor. The portal closed afterward. He then stood up and brushed the dirt off his green clothing and then stared at me, for then I returned a smile. 

"Ben!! Uh, where were you?!" I asked frantically to come up with a conversation. 

"Oooh, someone's in trouble!", Jeff snickered and then put his hands on his hips and watched with the rest of the creepypastas. Ben gave a cold look and stomped his way upstairs. Then that brought Slenderman crouched near my face, literally inches away.

"Umm, heh! I didn't do it!" I threw my arms to the sides of myself, chuckling.

"One last time Marcel," Slenderman warningly hissed, "And you're not invited."

"Oooooo!" Jeff taunted but then stopped as Slenderman looked at him.

It was an awkward moment, knowing all the creepypastas witnessed the whole event, and my feet tread up the stairway upstairs and into my room, for then I shut the door behind me. This was going to be a long night...

Marcel (Fan-made Creepypasta oc story)Where stories live. Discover now