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Elias POV
"-ARTHER?!?!" Kaitlynn shouted, causing me to take a glance in the review mirror of the car to see who's in the backseat.

"Kaitlynn," I piped in, "Who is this?"

Kait groaned and clenched her fists together. " Ques Es Asendo Aqí?!?"

"English, Kait, the dum-dum doesn't understand you," I chided, seeing the guy's dumbfounded expression.

Kaitlynn sighed and more calmly with venom tinted in her voice, "What are you doing here, Arther?"

"Hey, it was Everyman for himself out there!" The dirty blonde spat out.

"Are you telling me that you just left Emily to die out there?!? Those people will burn the school the the ground, Arther! Including everyone in it! You're sick to leave you sister there to die," Kait growled at him. "Elias, stop the car!"

I slowly press the brake as the car came to a stop. Kaitlynn slugged back into her seat, once I place the car in park, Arther sat up in anticipation. "Get. Out," she rasped."

"What? Why?" Arther whined.

"Arther Donavan, get your sorry behind out of my car!" She demands, "you're selfless, and a burden, and you'll get killed stowing away with us!" Arther scoffs, "Nice try, scaring me off. I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me." He smiles.

Kaitlynn groaned. Then a smirk spread across her face as she turned to me. Her eyes glowed white, signaling one of her powers. If he's gonna stay with us, he has a right to know. Kait tells me telepathically. I shake my head, "Kaity, no. He won't understand!" I say aloud, receiving a confused look from the stowaway, "And you'll ruin the car." I add.

My sister shruggs her shoulder, Even another reason to do it. Minus the car. I won't do anything to harm the car. Kaitlynn adds. When I finally nod my head she squeals and claps her hands, all giddy.

She turns to Arther and her eyes flash blue, then glow dimly. She raises her hand at him and crosses her middle and index finger. As a result, Arthur's arms crossed his chest forming an 'x'. Fear was showing in his eyes and facial features. Kati's hand went up, Arther's hands followed. Kait, using her right hand, wiggled her fingers. She bursted out laughing, seeing the result, breaking her hold on the Senior. Arther had wiggles like a jellyfish. Once he gained control of his body he looked fearfully into my eyes, and I smirk. He opens the car door to find it locked.

The door knob rattled in silent request. "Dude, let me out!" He pleads. I Shake my head, "Now that you've seen my sister's powers we can't have you going out and telling anybody. The Fire Torchers will come and hunt us. You are now stuck with us." I smirk.

He shakes his head, eyes pleading. I turn my gaze back to the windshield and shift gears. The car eases back onto the road. Arther continues trying to unlock the door, "This is kidnapping!!" He protests, "You could get sent to jail for this! My parents could sue you!"

I look to my Sister who us already smirking. Her eyes flash and then glow orange. She de-mystifies from the passenger seat and re-mystifies in the back seat. I keep a close eye on her through the review mirror. The orange dims and flashes and glows of a new color of gray. Arther backs away up to the door. "Sleep," Kaitlynn whispers into Arther's ear, who immediately starts snoring. She appears back in the passenger seat, the color fading from her eyes.

"Rest, sister," I caress her cheek with my left hand, "I will wake you when we arrive at our destination."

She nods, then yawns. Her breathing settles to a steady rhythm, indicating she's fallen asleep. The sun begins to set and so does our old life of leisure and comfort. So, with the dawn, will come new struggles and a new adventure.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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