Chapter 2: The Historian's Warning

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Amelia's first night in Blackwood was anything but peaceful. She couldn't get comfortable in her new bed and had troubled dreams. Weird shadows played on the walls, and the silence was heavy in the town, as if it held its breath.

The next morning, Amelia decided to explore her new home. Blackwood looked like any other small town, with its cobblestone streets and charming houses. But there was an eerie vibe, like the past was whispering to her.

While wandering, she noticed a shabby sign outside an antique shop that read, "Harrison's Antiques - Local Historian." It piqued her interest, so she went inside. The place was filled with old books, dusty knick-knacks, and relics from days long gone. A bell tinkled as she entered, announcing her presence.

Behind the cluttered counter, an elderly man with gray hair and glasses looked up. He greeted her with a faint smile and introduced himself as Harrison, the town historian. He wanted to know why she'd come to Blackwood.

Amelia hesitated for a moment, wondering how much to share. "I recently moved here, seeking a fresh start," she said.

Harrison's eyes seemed to hold a glimmer of recognition, as if he knew something she didn't. He leaned in, speaking in a hushed tone, "Blackwood is known for fresh beginnings, but it has a unique history. There are secrets hidden beneath the town's charming surface, and you should be mindful of that."

As he spoke, Amelia felt a sense of urgency in his words, as if he was trying to warn her about something he couldn't openly reveal.

"What kind of secrets are you talking about?" Amelia asked, her curiosity fully engaged.

Harrison leaned in a little closer and said, "Amelia, Blackwood has been under a curse for centuries. Every fifty years, on the night of a blood-red moon, the town awakens to a darkness beyond your imagination. Malevolent spirits rise, and the living are at their mercy."

Amelia's heart raced. The historian's words sent a shiver down her spine. It sounded like a story from a horror movie, but there was something in Harrison's eyes that made her believe every word.

He continued, "There's a darkness that clings to the very soul of this town. Tonight, the blood-red moon rises again. You've arrived at a very perilous time, my dear."

Amelia's breath caught in her throat. The realization that she'd come to Blackwood on the eve of the cursed night left her feeling vulnerable and exposed.

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