November 23, 2009
I’m Riku Semei. when I was 5 yrs old my parents died in an accident near our house they died protecting me from something I can’t remember because I had an amnesia so I don’t know it well. Even though it was tough I was able to graduate last year at 14 yrs old and now I have a few jobs which I can do. I for one is the heir of my father’s clan and he said he have the powerful and strongest monster in the world her name is Hashime she’s like a loyal dog but I treat her as my own pet because she look like a butterfly her power is sound she is also known as saundo kirā because she uses the her lark to produce a harmonic sound and with the harmonic sound she can kill anyone or find cause she can see through sounds and she can use the sound to produce her own attacks I don’t know what kind of attack she use I can’t see it it’s too tiny I guess. I’m still different from my ancestor because I have 2 monsters the one is Hashime and the other one doesn’t speak so much about herself. I don’t know I usually sleep early but while I’m sleeping I feel something warm crawling on my body and holding my head then kiss my lips without my permission but sometimes I am dreaming that I’m in someone’s body or I see my unknown monster, the one that doesn’t speak, is stringed by a red ribbon all over her body and every time this happened I free her and hold her tight then I keep on saying “I won’t let anything hurt you”.
November 24, 2009
Everything is usual I do my job and everything about the clan or as I though
12:00 am.
While I was walking around the sector where I am assigned I saw a monster violating her own master as the heir of one of the highest clan in the world I must stop them. “Stop right there you monster!” I said but the master of the monster replied “don’t disturb us. We are lovers after all.” I was in shock because I never thought that a monster could be in-love with its master. I never thought that could happened to her being violated and yet liking it but I must keep my eye on her she might be in trouble.
8:00 pm
I couldn’t sleep due to what she said and while I was wondering the unknown monster and she was on top of me he lift my head and kiss me then I shouted while I was falling from her grips “aaaaahh!” as I sit up I said “What are you doing?” then she disappear so I summoned the unknown monster accidentally I summoned Hashime then she said “what’s the matter, master?” I said “sorry I didn’t mean to summon you. Gomenasai” then I summoned the unknown monster and tied her up with my ribbon-like string called Horishima and stringed her just like when I have dream just like what I did in my dream I free her and said “I won’t let anyone hurt you. Gomensai.” Then she smiled at me and for the first time I saw her react to something.
November 25, 2009
As early as possible I want to know about that girl about yesterday but she is not in the place where I first saw her so I summoned Hashime I ask Hashime “Hashime, can you find the mysterious girl we saw yesterday.” She replied “yes, master Riku” then bow I got annoyed when someone call me master or bow right in-front of me so I said “stop bowing and stop calling me master.” She uses her lark and produce melodic sounds after a while she stop playing her lark and said “I found her, my king” I replied quickly and angry “stop! Calling me with a royal name Riku is fine but it’s great that you found her. So now where is she now? I want you to bring me there” she said “hai” then we went to Gakuen Heaven, it’s a school for a normal people. I ask Hashime because it’s so weird for her to be here she should go to a magic school or some sort of school for gifted child “Hashime are you sure she’s in this school because this school doesn’t fit her and it doesn’t look like she is here?” she point to a girl and said “there she is” then we land near the bushes and she went inside of me as I was looking at her walking to the gate I notice someone is following her and it really looks like her monster but without the monster characteristic and he is taking pictures of the girl. “It’s so confusing” I said to myself and continue to speak to myself “why didn’t she call her monster? Why is her monster a human? How come she didn’t call her monster back?” I followed the girl

Black Book
RomanceThis is the 1st part of the story of volume 1. It’s about a girl don’t know much about her past her parents have already passed away but she doesn’t want to talk about it. Accidentally she found something that interests her and falling in-love to wh...