Breaking Apart

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Jasmine's POV
After 4th period, we had lunch. I walked with Bryan. We laughed and talked the whole way there. Today's special fruit for lunch is 'challenge cherries'. We talked while we were sitting down at the table painted red and white like the YouTube logo.

"I can't believe Mr. Hartman gave us an assignment that we have to perform at the talent show."

"Me too! I almost fainted when he said that"

"Wow. You shouldn't be you're really popular."

"Well yea because of Ella."

"Yea. Since her dad was the Queen of YouTube." I noticed some slightly light blue hair in the corner of the cafeteria. It was Ella! And she was kissing Mr. Hartman's son. James. I tried to keep Bryan from looking to the right.

"Are you done Jasmine?"

"Uhhh.... yea." I quickly realized which direction he had to go to throw our trash away. But I can do it myself.

"Jasmine I -" I cut him off.

"I insist on it." He knew I wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Fine." I walked to the trash can and hurried back to my seat.

"Hey!" I surprised him. "Look at the cafeteria. It's"

"Sure Jasmine. Hey I gotta go."


"See ya la-" his head was directly towards Ella and James.

"Bryan. I know this looks bad but- Bryan!" He walking over to Ella.

I grabbed my bag and ran after him. I put my hand out to grab his. I did as we reached them.

"Ella!" The whole school turned around and looked in our direction. I stepped back a little.

"Why would you do this to me?!"

"Bryan. Shh. You're causing a sene."

"Yea let's just end it huh?"

"What are you saying!" Ella said through her gritted teeth.

"Um let me think. Oh yea. We're through. Come on Jasmine." He grabbed my hand and pulled me in his direction until I spun around and met his direction.

What a day!

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