Talking It Out

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Jasmine's POV
Back to school today from the somewhat strange weekend. After Bryan left Saturday, my dad had a talk with me about boys. Again. Ugh. Sunday my family and I went to church with my grandma. My dad's mom. We're a Christian and Jewish family because of my parents. Anyways let's get back to the school situation. I met up with Bryan at school like we always do. But we didn't talk much today.

"Nice weather we're having." He looked up to the sky.

"Yea. Very nice."

As we got to school we went to our lockers that are somehow 1 locker apart from each other. I got my books out for math and walked over to Bryan's.

"Hey listen. About Saturday-"

"What about it?"

"It had a weird ending after you left. And a little bit before you did too."

He still stood there silently.

"What I'm saying is tha-" 
Bryan kissed me on the lips. I was speechless.

"I enjoyed Saturday."

"Oh." I smiled nicely at him.

"See you in class." He winked at me with a slight smirk. I began to grow nervous. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ella peeping behind a corner spying on us. At that moment I didn't care about her. I didn't know what or
how to feel. I hope this turns out good.

I have another shisa fanfic called 'Starting Different Ways' if you want to check it out.

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