Chap 2- The rest of the box

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There was something else in that box. Before he looked on what it was his phone beeped.

"Yo? Are you home yet? My parents want to make sure your still alive and in one piece."

-Best bro

Oh, it was just his friend checking up on him.He put the box to a side and took his phone.
"Yooo I'm fine dw and I'm at home now too"

"See you tmr"

"Alr then see ya"
"Too will you ask Minyeon out when we go back to school."

"Wym by that? I swear she's in a girls school-"

"She will be after summer break~"

Kyle just closed his phone and put it to charge and he went to change.Why was Minyeon coming into his school for? Was she suspended? Did something happen? Did she move houses and his school is closer now? Is her old school bad? Who knows at this point, he's just happy he will get to see her again.

He got his pajamas and headed to bed, until he remembered he still has homework to do.

"Man, it's the holidays still, I'll just do it tomorrow"

He jumped in his bed and went to bed. And it didn't matter how much he twisted and turned in his bed, he still couldn't think why there was a knife in that box, then he remembered that there was something else in that box, so he picked it up and opened it again to see the knife again, and the other thing that was in the box.

It had an unusual shape, and covered in wrapping paper, and tape, there was also a note attached on a string which was tied to a corner of the object.It had some odd calligraphic writing as if it was written in the 19th century. He went to take a closer look at the note, using his flashlight from his phone to see clearer.

For Kyle Kataren

" name"

It was his full name, but why is it there? What is in that package anyway? He just ignored the fact that probably a stranger had gave a "gift" to him, and it can be something wired. Like a stuffed animal or a tape, or even-

"A camera?" Kyle was a bit confused, as he was just given a knife and now a random camera. But it wasn't just some normal camera, like just made, it was more of a recording device, but just way smaller than the ones they use in movies.He was curious if something was in the camera, as in storage, so he took the camera and opened it.

When he opened it, he had a option setting, if he wanted to take a picture/video or if he wanted to look at the camera memory. He was curious if there were any pictures saved in the camera, so he took a look.

In total there were 486 pictures of  a girl, the same girl, a girl with straight brunette hair and some beautiful green eyes. She looked familiar to Kyle, almost to familiar, then he relished who this girl was. They were just pictures and videos of his crush, pictures and videos of his everything...Pictures of......Minyeon.
After one long month of summer term, school was back on tomorrow and Kyle was quite interested of going back, mostly to see his friends and that, but to also see if what Marcus said was true.Is Minyeon really coming to his school? He hopes so.

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