Day 7 . (Ragatha)

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Ragatha was up suprisingly early, around 7:00 AM. She was getting ready for the day, combing her soft red hair, putting on her classic (purply?) blue and white dress. After that, she sat down on her bed, waiting for Caine's announcement of a 'New adventure', but it never came.

What if hes still asleep? or flossing his teeth? or... I dont know, getting dentures or something? Maybe I just have to wait a little bit longer. And she did. It was now 7:50 AM but still no loud obnoxious voice trying to wake them up, but she still decided to wait.

8:00 AM, Nothing.

8:20 AM, Still nothing.

8:40 AM, Yep, you guessed it, nothing.

9:00 AM, He never sleeps over nine! This is gonna be the last time I'll wait..

9:30 AM, I've had enough.

Ragatha stepped out of her room, quietly making her way to the dining table.

As she was making her way to the dining table, She saw Pomni. "Goodmorning, Pomni!" She said cheerfully. "Wha- Oh! H-Hi Ragatha." Pomni stuttered, Clearly zoning out. "You wanna grab something to eat?" Ragatha asked, "Oh, sure. I'm somehow hungry anyways." Pomni answered, Then they made their way to the dining table.

When they arrived they heard a rumble, Sounded like someone was burrowing in plastic. "Sh, Maybe its one of the gloinks scavenging for our food again." Ragatha whispered. "You stay here, I'll take care of it." She warned Pomni. "O-Okay. Goodluck!" Pomni whisper-shouted.

Ragatha slowly crept up to the creature, holding a knife. It was purple, and was definetly scowering for food.

She tip-toed closely to the creature, SHINK! The knife went. "OW!" A voice said. The creature poked out its head...

"Jax?! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Ragatha yelped. "What was that for?!" Jax said, "I thought you were a gloink! I-I didn't know you were... well, you!" Ragatha said, in a sorry tone. "Anyways, why are you here in the first place?" She questioned. "Oh, uh, nothing, I was just a little hungry!" Jax said, But he was clearly lying. "If you're just a little hungry, why are your pockets filled with food?" Ragatha asked suspiciously. "Its for... Uh... Pomni! yeah, she asked me to bring it to her." Jax smiled, "Oh really? Hey Pomni! you can come out now!" Ragatha called Pomni. "Oh- Okay.." Pomni stood beside Ragatha. "So tell me, Did you tell Jax to give you food?" Ragatha snickered, Jax staring Pomni dead in the eyes, Hoping she would have his back. "Um, No?" Pomni answered, Hoping that Jax wont hurt her.

"Well that settles it, your selfish." Ragatha said, trying to prove a point. "Ouch, that hurts!" Jax made a pretend 'hurt' face, then he remembered something. "Wait, Rags, can I talk to you for a moment?" Jax asked, being serious. "Um, sure?" Ragatha answered, And signaled Pomni to go. "I want you to be really honest with me, okay?" Jax said sternly, Ragatha getting a bit nervous. "Okay?" Ragatha answered. "Did you go in my room yesterday?" Jax asked, Oh [bleep], is this about the diary? Ragatha thought, "Yes, but It was so I could look for you!.." Ragatha nervously replied, "And did you look in my closet?" He asked again, Oh god, what do I tell him? I have to be honest right? but he might get mad... I don't know what to do!! "Rags?" Jax snapped her out of it, "Huh? oh yeah, I did look in your closet and didn't find a dia- BOOK!" Ragatha awkwardly smiled. OH MY GOD, WORD VOMIT. Ragatha started to panic silently. Jax got real close to her, And said, "Did you look in the diary." Jax questioned. Ragatha froze. I can't lie, I'm the worst liar! he would know.. God, what do I do?! "Um..." She didn't know what to say. "Ragatha." Jax stared her right in the eyes, but she just stared at the floor, deep in her thoughts. I can't do this anymore! "I-" She paused, "I did." She said, defeated. "Why would you do that? Thats MY diary, not yours!" Jax started to raise his voice. "I know, and I'm sorry, I don't know what came into me!" Ragatha stammered, full of sorrow. "I swear if you read the entire thing.." Jax put his hands over his head, The thing is, He writes about her more than anything. He would hate it if she knew. "I only read a single page, Nothing else!" Ragatha said. "I can't believe you." Jax sighed, He turned around and walked away. "Jax, I-" "Save it." Jax said.

I'm sorry.

779 words!
thanks for reading!!!!!!!!

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