Chapter 06 (Reality hits hard)

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"The love that comes from friendship is underlying
facet of a happy life."

Ahaan's POV

Fascinations or mere imaginations. Maybe this isn't love and just an infatuation. One can't be so sure with such out of the blue emotions, right? Just a confession in dream is not enough, maybe.

I like her yes I do,

For talking with me; For ignoring me completely.
For whatever she did; For nothing she did.
For adoring me; For not paying attention at me.
For appearing in my dreams everyday; For not talking till days.

For the time we spent together, For not even meeting me.
For driving me crazy; For just befriending me.
For doing everything to make me smile; For doing nothing to leave me crying.
For accepting me as I am; For not accepting me as I am.
For something that's between us; For nothing that's between us.
For all she's to me; For nothing she is to me.
For everything and not for anything; She is my favourite person in the whole world.
And I do like her for real.

My paltry attempt at poetry for My Ms. Writer. I know I can never write the way she does, not even a mole. But for her I won't just read but do everything that makes her; us happy forever.

"You like her, don't you? You like her??" Nishit mutters over my shoulder.

"No, not at all. I.........." I can't find words to exclaim.

"Oh c'mon!! The way you look at her. The emotions shows more than mere liking dude. Tell me the truth....."

"Maybe or certainly yes......................." A known blush makes it way in between.

"I do love her. How important she became to me in this while I can't express." Positive affirmation declared.

"How dare you? Just some moments together and wait in rain leads you to feel for her? Ain't that ridiculous to you, cheap flirt!!" He yelps infuriatingly.

Well! He got a point. What if she denies at my abrupt confession? First, I'll find out what's going on in her mind. But how? What if she isn't ready for all this? Though she's always lost in fantasies of finding a prince charming. I can be one for her.

"What if she likes your picture back on Instagram??" A suggestion.

"She won't, she's inactive on insta usually....."

"Then let's Google for signs if she's interested and then we shall confess....." Another one.

"We shall???" Possessive enough.

-You shall..."

"Okay, let's search.."

The searches:
1) She smiles genuinely at you.
2) She shoots short glances at you.

3) She plays with her hair while talking.
4) She maintains eye contact while casual chats.
5) She shares personal information about her.

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