Part 18

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Carlos had gone to the Ferrari meeting hours ago and I was i my room scrolling through instagram until my phone buzzed.

"Am I coming over tonight?" A text from Charles came through.

"Do you want to?" I text back teasing him.

"If I get to see you, yes" he texts back.

"Fine make sure Carlos doesn't know" I text back and turn off my phone.

Hours pass and the front door opens. I run downstairs expecting it to be Charles but it's Carlos.
"You look a little excited to see me?" He laughs.
"Oh...yeah" I smile.
Alright" he walks past me.
I facepalm my face when I'm out of his view and sigh.
"Carlos!" I shout, chasing after him.
"Yeah?" He asks sitting on the sofa.
"How long are you staying for?" I ask.
Why? You want me gone?" He asks.
"No..just asking" I reply.
"I don't know" he shrugs.
"All night?" Our mother walks in, smiling.
"If you want mamá" Carlos smiles at her.

No mamá, no. I have someone coming round who shouldn't be.

"That's fine..." I smile and I dart upstairs. I pick up my phone and call Charles. I hold it to my ear and listen to it ring.
"Hello?" I hear Charles's voice on the other line.
"Charles" I reply.
"Hey beautiful, I'm on my way now" he replies.
"You cant, Carlos is here" I sighs.
"For how long?" He asks.
"All night..." I reply.
"Fuck" he groans.
"What can we do?" I ask.
"You can come my house if you like" he suggests.
"Would I be allowed?" I asks.
"My love I live alone" he laughs.
"Oh...okay sure" I replies.
"I'll text you the address" he replies. The call then ends and a text came in seconds later from Charles with his address in the message.
I walk downstairs and all my family are sat in the living room.
"I'm sleeping at a friends house tonight" I say.
"With no bags?" Carlos asks.
"She has....matching pyjamas for us at hers" I reply.
My mother looks at me like she knows what's going on, and she probably does. Nothing gets past her.
"Seriously? On the night your brother is home?" My dad asks.
"Yeah sorry" I reply. I walk towards the front door and open it and walk out. I get in my car and drive to the address Charles sent me.

It takes me 20 minutes to arrive and when I do, I get out and knock on the door. The door opens to the sight of Charles. He pulls me into a hug and kisses my cheek.
"Hey" I smile at him.
"Hey" he returns the smile. I walk inside the house and he closes the door behind me.
"Nice house" I say as my eyes wander around.
"Thank you" he smiles. I follow him to his bedroom and I climb into bed.
"You want a drink or anything?" He asks.
"Sure, just a water please" I reply.

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