Broken (Harry Styles fanfiction)

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AN- so I just wanted to say, to the ones who read this, if any, that I suck at starting off but hopefully it will get better haha so please keep reading and letting me know what you think. Thank you!!
Chapter One

Here it is, six o'clock saturday morning and I have already been up for a hour. That's the joy of being in my last year at Miami International University of Art and Design. I so couldnt wait to be done with all this stress and be on my way to being a fashion designer! This has been the most stressful year so far, and we are only a few months in! After this year though, I'll be one step closer to my dream job as part of the design team for Burberry.

Ever since I was little I wanted to design clothes. My mom would always catch me cutting off the sleeves of shirts or making dresses shorter. When ever she would ask what I was doing, I always replied, 'making this look better.' I was always watching Project Runway or any show about fashion. I would even put on little fashion shows for my mother and brother.

I smile at the memory. It was a happy memory, back before my whole life fell apart.

Now here I was, at six in the morning, working on a dress that I needed to get done for this competition that was taking place in one of my classes. We would have little contests like these, where each student was given so much time to design and make an outfit. At the end there was this fake fashion show where we all would show off our design. Each piece was judged by our two professors. They did this a few times a year to help us get ready for the fast paced world of fashion design and to help build our portfolio.

I needed to get as much as i could done because i have to get to work by two this afternoon.

On top of all the work i need to do for school and getting my portfolio ready, i had an internship at Del Mar, working on swim suits, and i work friday and saturday nights as a cocktail waitress at The Living Room Bar at W South Beach Hotel.

No wonder i was single. I pretty much had no life outside of school and work. It wasnt as bad when I first started school; I actually had more time to hang out with friends and actually relax. Now with the big fashion show/final for school, that has made my work load more complicated. My only day to sort of relax was Sundays, but even then I still find myself working. My best friend Molly would still drag me to parties during the week, always telling me to have fun and relax.

After working for five hours on my dress i was making, i cleaned everything up and started to get ready for work. After a quick shower I grabbed my black and white print summer dress I made and my gray three quarter sleeve sweater to wear over it. I decided to wear a pair of black heel ankle boots. I blow dried my hair and just did a little braid on the side and threw it all up in a ponytail. I put on some makeup, just some smokey eyes and light lipstick. I grab my work uniform and some shoes and then grab my purse, phone and keys and run out the door.

As I got into my car I received a text from best friend Molly,

MOLLY- Haven!! Could you grab us some coffee at Starbucks before you head to work?? I will love you forever!

ME- I'm just leaving now, I'm already running late. Not sure if I'll make it on time if I stop...

MOLLY- pretty please! I got no sleep last night ;)

That smiley face must mean she was up late with her latest boy toy. I really didn't want to be late for work, but I could use a coffee myself....

ME- fine! I'll be there soon!

MOLLY- thank you thank you thank you! Just the usual please!

There was some traffic heading to Starbucks but I still made it to the parking garage between my work and Starbucks with a little time to spare. Guess I would have time to grab us some coffee without feeling rushed. I grab my purse and my bag with my work uniform in it and head towards Starbucks.

The line wasn't that long but the barista that was working today was extremely slow! Once I got to the front of the line I ordered our usual, a venti iced chai latte with a shot of expresso. I paid the barista and after she put the drinks in a tray I went to leave. As I was walking to the door my phone rang. I stopped and dug around my purse and once I found my phone I saw that it was Molly calling.

"Hey Molly, I'm leaving Starbucks right now, I should my there in like ten minutes."

"That's ok, I was just checking to see where you were, I can't wait to tell you about my night last night! Ahh!"

Molly screamed the last part. I winced at the sound, I was never into the whole high pitched screaming. As I talked with her I continued to walk out the door.

"Can't wait to hear all about it. Listen, I will be there shortly, I'm going to have to...."

As I walked out the door my bag got caught so I turned around to move it so I could get it loose. As I got it free I turned around real quick and ran right into someone, dropping my phone and spilling one of the drinks I was holding.

A/N- this is my first story, let alone fanfiction! Please go easy on me! Hahaha sorry if it's aweful! I'm having fun writing it so I hope that you guys will like it!

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