Chapter 24

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I laid there watching Haven sleep, her beauty beyond words.

It made me beyond angry hearing what that prick did to her and what he tried to do. Makes me sick to my stomach. I'm so thankful her brother showed up at the right time and saved her. I wasn't able to save her that night but I will swear on my life that no on will hurt her ever again.

If i ever meet this guy I don't think I'd be able to control myself. He got away with everything he did and that didn't sit right with me. I hated nothing more than people using money and power to get away with things.

I don't think I could ever meet Havens mother either. Knowing she called her daughter a slut and took the word of some boy rather than her own flesh and blood made me hate her. Who does that? A parent is suppose to protect and help their children, this woman did neither of those things. Even when her own husband beat her children, she did nothing.

This whole thing just got my blood boiling. I was breathing rapidly and I took some deep breaths cause I didn't want to wake Haven.

How could someone hurt someone as amazing as Haven? She's so beautiful and sweet and she's kind to everyone. I could never hurt her, I love her so much.

I reach over gently and check my phone for the time. Five o'clock. Shît. I have to be to work at seven and I haven't even slept yet. I know Haven has to get up pretty early to for her classes. Who has a party on a Sunday? Crazy college kids.

Maybe I could stay home today. I could work from here, I don't think I have any meetings today. I run through my emails real quick and remember I have a meeting with an investor who may go in on expanding with me when I decided to expand to California. I can't miss this meeting.

I lay back, trying to sleep for at least an hour. I close my eyes and feel Haven shift next to me, I then feel her small body wrap around mind, her head and arm resting on my chest. I place my arm on her back, holding her to me.

My heart swells knowing the trust she put into me to tell me all that happened to her. Knowing she loved me enough to tell me about her dreadful past made me feel so relieved. I want her to trust me enough to tell me these things, to let me take care of her and protect her. I thought I was going to be alone forever. To only be wanted for my money. I figured when Haven found out about my past and my many indiscretions she would run, but she looked past all that and saw the real me, the man I am today, not who I was in my past.

Now that I've found Haven, I don't want anyone else. I don't need anyone else. She's all I'll ever need.


I hear a buzzing go off and then a few minutes later I hear someone mumble 'oh shît' and 'ow'. I sat up and looked to my right, head fuzzy due to lack of sleep, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

Even though the lighting was dim, I saw Haven, in nothing but my white t-shirt and her lace panties, hopping around on one foot with a pained look on her face. Her head snapped over at me when she heard me chuckle.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to wake you. I heard my alarm go off and I couldn't find my phone and then I stubbed my stupid toe!" She huffs, clearly irritated.

"It's alright, love. I should probably get up anyways. What time is it?" I ask, standing up and grabbing a pair of boxer out of my dresser and sliding them on. I glance over at Haven who looks away and blushes, embarrassed to be caught staring. I smirk to myself, how could she still be so embarrassed after everything we have done so far. Yeah, we have only slept together twice now, but still, she doesn't need to be embarrassed.

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