Broken (Harry Styles fanfiction)

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Chapter 12

Harry's POV

As soon as I stepping into that elevator I let out a long breath I didn't realize I was holding. What is she doing to me? I leaned back against the wall and ran a hand over my face, trying to make sense of what just happened.

I wasn't expecting a kiss to turn into that. That undeniably hot make out session. When I first met her and saw how embarrassed she got and how nervous she was, I could tell she was inexperienced, innocent. She can't be a virgin though, she's what? Twenty two? And look at her, she must have guys after her all the time. Maybe she has just been with a couple and didn't have much experience.

After that kiss though, maybe she wasn't as innocent as I thought. At first she seemed a little hesitant but then I could feel her relax and her body just take over. Every tug of my hair had me just about coming in my pants right there. She knew it too.

And her skin. Her skin was so soft and she smelled like apples. So sweet. Every noise she made turned me off even more, the little whimpers as I bit her ear or the soft moans as I sucked on that sensitive spot she has right below her ear.

I wasn't use to this. I wasn't use to a girl making me pay attention to every thing she did. I am so captivated by her. Drawn to her by a force I don't understand. I'm instantly calm when ever I'm with her but then the slightest touch has my heart racing. I don't think she has any idea what she is doing to me.

I'll admit, in my past, even my recent past, I never had any relationships. I just didn't do the dating thing. I was more interested in partying, getting drunk and finding a girl to hook up with for the night. Most recently though, it was just about the hook up. I don't drink as much as I use to and I don't party like I did. Once my uncle told me he was dying and that he was leaving his company to me and that I needed to get my act together so I could run his company right, I stopped all of it. Or at least stopped it from being a nightly thing.

Even now, it was hard to meet someone who wouldn't turn into a different person once they found out I had money. They would start acting all different, trying to get me to like them more by doing what they thought I wanted them to do. It was obvious though, they were all so fake. Didn't keep me from sleeping with them though.

Sex was almost an outlet for me. A way for me to channel my frustrations. A bad habit I know. Growing up and not having a father around and watching my mother struggle angered me. The only type of father figure I had was my uncle, my fathers brother, but he wasn't around to often because work kept him busy. I didn't know what to do so I got into the wrong crowed and started drinking and partying and that lasted until I was twenty.

It was then that my uncle sat me down and told me he was sick and that he didn't have to many years left. That he needed me to step up and be a man and take responsibility for my actions. That he need me to go to collage so I could take over his company for him when he was gone. The next week I applied to universities and stopped partying and drinking as much. But still using sex as a coping mechanism.

With Haven though, it was different. It wasn't about sex, yes I wanted her, but it was more than that. I wanted to see her smile, to see her eyes light up when she did. To hear her laugh at my stupid jokes. To see her face blush or her bite her lip when she got nervous. She made me want to take it slow and get to know everything about her and just use her for sex. Just being next to her was turning out to have a better calming effect.


The drive back to the hotel was long. It was full of thoughts of Havens grinding hips and soft skin. That only led to my pants feeling tighter and this need that needed to be fulfilled. I guess a cold shower was in order for tonight.

I made my way up to the suite was sharing with the guys, hoping they would all be asleep cause I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I was disappointed though when I walked through the door and Liam was in the small kitchen getting a glass of water.

"Hey, didn't expect you home so soon," Liam said, sounding a little more shocked than I'd like.

"Yeah, well...." I was at a loss for words. Him and the guys know me well enough and know my habits. They know I never spend the night with anyone I sleep with and I'm always usually home around two. So seeing me home at midnight I guess would shock any of them.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Liam asked, setting his glass down and leaning against the counter. I sat down in one of the the bar stools.

"Nothing's wrong. This girls is just different," I stated, not really use to sharing my feelings with anyone.

"Different how? Different good?"

"I don't know. She's beautiful, I mean, all the woman I've slept with have been beautiful, but Haven, she's beautiful, beautiful. You know what I mean? Physically she's beautiful, anyone can see that, but she has a good heart. She's so sweet and innocent, but then not so innocent. Man, I'm just so confused. Like she will do things to show how innocent she is, like when she blushes at a comment I make, like how she's beautiful, but then I go to kiss her, just expecting this simple kiss, and it turns into her sitting on my lap and tugging on my hair. If her friend didn't come home when she did I'm not sure how much longer I could have controlled myself." I rack my hands through my hair, frustrated. I was rambling, sharing a little more than I intended to. Liam didn't seem to mind though. That's what I like about him, he doesn't judge or criticize, he's an all around good guy.

"Is there a reason why you are taking things slow with her?"

"Ever since she ran into me that day, there's something that just draws me to her. I get this sense of calm when I'm around her. Plus her seeming so innocent, I'm not sure how far she's ready to take things. Plus there's been times where I've seen this look in her eyes, like a sad, hurt look, like something's happened to her in her past. Maybe that's what's making me go slow with her, I don't want to hurt her." I admitted.

"Sounds like you like her," Liam said, more of a statement than a question.

"Do you really think so? This is all kind of new to me." I asked.

"Were you just listening to yourself? If you feel drawn to someone and feel calm around them and you don't want to hurt them and then everything else you just said to me, I'd say you like her." He grinned.

I smiled too, "yeah, I guess I do like her."

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