Chapter 4

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Ceilings seemed to be what Katsuki looked at quite a lot. Either that or the floor or the walls. Everything was so uninteresting. He no longer went to sleep early. Katsuki stayed up, to the point bags began to show under his eyes and stayed permanently. It wasn't like he simply stared and then nothing. He thought. A lot. Sometimes to the point he made himself cry. 

Katsuki was just glad no one had suspected a thing. 

Even when he gradually lost his spark people just assumed it was the stress of exams. The fact they would be assessed on paper and then out on the field have everyone stressed, most worrying more about the written side since everyone was confident that they'd do well on the field. It was what they were most passionate about. Of course, without the grades on paper they may have to miss out on training to study. No one wanted that. 

"I'm so glad you're teaching me. I wouldn't get it at all otherwise...", Kirishima groaned. Though he was saying that as if he hadn't been battered several times with a newspaper, "Wanna sleep at mine? It's late and my house is closer."

He didn't see why not, "Sure."

"I've got spare clothes you can wear too!", Kirishima grinned as they left the café, they had paid earlier of course. Katsuki irked at the thought of wearing the other's clothes though. Not because he found Kirishima gross or anything but because he was well-acquainted with the others fashion sense and it just wasn't... his kind of clothes. That was the nicest way to put it.

"I'd rather just sleep in this.", it wasn't anything major. Just Kirishima's fashion sense was rather... it was quite out there. It may look okay on him because everything about him was just 'out there' but Katsuki would much rather stick to his more tame clothes. The plain black or any dull colour he could find.

"Just for one night! I'll give you the plainest clothes I have I promise!", Kirishima flung an arm over his shoulders, pulling him closer.

"It better be plain.", they got to Kirishima's house not even five minutes later. It was slightly smaller than Katsuki's but seemed a lot warmer. Much more cosy. 

"My mum should be making dinner right now...", he grinned as he saw the lights were on in the house and began tugging at Katsuki's hand to hurry him inside, "Come, come, come!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!", Katsuki grumbled, not speeding up one bit, he let himself get dragged along although he rushed to get his shoes off as the other excitedly hovered around him.

The moment Katsuki had turned around, he was faced with another person who had Kirishima's face. The same smile with the same sharp teeth, the same red eyes, she was practically the female version of him. Just, instead, her hair was black and there was no scar above either eye where both seemed to have lost their light. Her eyes were vastly different from Kirishima's shining ones.

"Mum- this is Bakugou. The one I keep telling you about, you saw him on TV.", Kirishima grinned as Bakugou stood up and awkwardly mingled next to him.

"Oh...uhm- Katsuki was it? The one that won the sports festival?", she spoke gently, it was quite different to her son's bubbly personality. But, Katsuki could tell, that gentleness was simply a mask. Her eyes told him otherwise.

"Yes! Yes! That one!", Kirishima seemed to brighten up even more as if that was even possible, "Is it alright if he stays over?"

"Of course, I made too much food anyway.", she forced a smile and allowed Kirishima to go by pushing Bakugou with him. 

It was a strange experience. Bakugou sat quietly and watched Kirishima say a million words to his mother's one word. Sometimes, she'd even daze off as if she was off in her own world, Kirishima continued to talk and get her attention no matter what. At one point, she had even stopped eating completely and just stared. Kirishima did not stop talking and, eventually, when his mother appeared to return to the present, she smiled at him as if she was grateful. 

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