Avenger: part 3

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[A Brooklyn gym at night. Occupied by one man, beating a punching bag in the gym lights, alone in the floor, lost in the fight. The gym is old, as old as the man inside, Captain America, or Steve Rogers. He beats the bag harder, like physically hurting it will repress the memories.]


[Hydra base, Captain America is running through a forest, dodging mortar shells, gunfire and Tesseract energy blasts.]

STEVE: [Echoey] There's not enough time! I gotta put her in the water!

[In the present, Steve's punches become harder and more violent.]

[in the flashback, Steve places the compass he has, featuring a picture of Peggy Carter, on the dash as the plane plummets towards the ice.]

[The present, punches become violent and aggressive.]

PEGGY CARTER: [flashback voice] You won't be alone.

[Red Skull picked up the Tesseract, and vanishes.]

[In the present, Steve is breathing the bag with everything he has, destroying it and beating his fists.]

SHIELD SCIENCETIST: [flashback] Oh my god!

[Steve is lying on a table, half frozen, and still partially trapped in a slab of ice. Two SHIELD scientists run equipment over him, checking for his vitals. Something flickers...]

SHIELD SCIENTIST: This guy is still alive!

"How" Dumbledore

"Magic" Natasha says sarcastically 

[Present. Steve punched the bag, easily a hundred pounds, across the room with one swing snapping the metal chain and pummelling it back a dozen feet, sand spilling out from where he cracked the fabric. He stands up, breathing hard, and grabs another bag, resuming a more normal routine. Fury walks in.]

FURY: Trouble sleeping?

STEVE: I slept for seventy years, sir. I think I've had my fill.

The wizarding world looks shocked.

FURY: Then you should be out, celebrating, seeing the world.

[Steve stops punching and walks over to the bench, unraveling the tape off his hands. He sits down.]

STEVE: I went under, the world was at war, I wake up, they say we won. They didn't say what we lost.

FURY: We've made some mistakes along the way. Some very recently.

"No shit" Maria and Nat says at the same time and Nick just shakes his head.

STEVE: You here with a mission, sir?

FURY: I am.

STEVE: Trying to get me back in the world?

FURY: Trying to save it. [Fury hands Steve a file on the Tesseract, along with other files on HYDRA'S projects]

STEVE: Hydra's secret weapon.

"Otherwise knowing as Nazis" Tony says dramatically 

"What's Nazis" a ravenclaw first year asks 

"Hogwarts is very old fashioned and only have one lesson called muggle studies, but that's more about objects and other stuff so, they haven't learned about Nazi's no" Natasha explains.

FURY: Howard Stark fished that out of the ocean when he was looking for you. He thought what we think, the Tesseract could be the key to unlimited sustainable energy. That's something the world sorely needs.

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