The Setup

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The next went boring as usual, until i got off the bus to see the same group of girls standing in the same spot. I quickly noticed the same girl, looking sexy as ever standing among them looking in my direction. I casually walked over and asked what was up. I stood there and watched them converse with each other, gossiping as women always do until everyone decided to go home. As we all walked our separate ways, i observed the cutie walking in the opposite direction as me. Saddened at the sight of her leaving, i continued to walk with those who live near me.

As we walked, I was informed of something i had not expected. My fat black ex broke the silence by saying "Jeffrey, Elizabeth likes you." Confused by this, i asked "who is that?" With a wide smile on her face, she retorted "The girl with the twists." On the inside, I was excited, after learning this.fact. My mind wandered just thinking about the possibilities.

After quickly calming myself down before anyone would notice, i asked my ex how she knew the fine girl with the twists liked me. She said "she was talking about you on the bus today, she talked about how you was cute and shit." I remained silent for the rest of the walk home. A few hours later, I got on facebook and decided to look up the girl i liked. I typed "Elizabeth" into facebook's people search and was suprised to see that the first result was the one i was looking for. I debated on whether i should send a request or not for what seemed like hours. I thought 'what if she thinks I'm weird', and 'what if she thinks I'm stalking her.' I got over this after arguing with myself multiple times and decided to just send a friend request hoping for the best. Minutes later, she accepted my friend request and i was relieved. Then i looked at my phone and saw that i had recieved a message. Wondering who it was, i opened my messages and saw that she had sent me the word 'hey.' I freaked out at this unexpected outcome and got happy all over again. I quickly calmed down and replied 'hey wassup' with a smiley face. She typed back and said 'nun wryd'. Trying to sound like a cool guy i said 'coolin ... did u want my kik? Somebody told me i did' and waited for an answer. After a few minutes i had become worried and thought that i had messed up. But she eventually said 'yes' to my question. i gave her my kik and felt like i had accomplished something. I went to my kik and noticed that i hadnt recieved a message yet. Worried, i went back to facebook in order to resume the conversation. I picked up by saying "sumbody also said that u liked me, is that true?" It was 5:30 at the time so it been almost 30 minutes since i talked to her. I waited and waited, and even sent her two question marks 55 minutes later. It wasnt until 7:10 that evening when she kikked me back and asked me who had told me. I told her i wasnt a snitch. But reassured her by saying that i would like to kno if it was true. And i asked for her kik. She only wrote 'oh' following my statement. I felt bad and Typed 'nevermind u aint gotta answerthat.... it was a dumb question. Ur friends should really stop lyin on u.' At this point in time she kikked me and we.engaged in a conversation. We said we would talk the next day and ended the kik conversation. The day was September 22nd, 2014.

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