Chapter One

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"Bye mommy, Bye daddy!" October gives her mom and dad a kiss before she leaves for school.

The first day of first grade. Her birthday was just the week before, and she had turned six years old. The little girl scurried over to the bus stop, were she waited for her bus to arrive.


The bus was packed with all diffrent types of children. Some of her age and some older. She tried to get what everone looked like.

"Sit down." October turned and faced the bus driver. She felt heat rise to her cheaks as she knew she had already had someone talk to her in a stern way.

She decided to sit in the back of the bus. Were most of th older kids sat. All the kids were laughing and talking. She sat next tot this one boy who was older than her. His hair was a mahogany brown color and he was pretty quite.

"Hi." She gave all the courage she had to say something the the boy.

He looked at her for a second. "Little kids are suppossed to sit up front." He than turned his attention back to the window.

"I am not a little kid. I am just as big as you." October crossed her arms and furrowed her eye brows. "So I have as much right to sit here as you do."

The boy gave the girl a questioning look. "Okay, so if your just as big as me, then," He paused for a moment. "Then you would know what one times one is."

October thought for a moment. Trying to remember all the things she learned about numbers in summer camp. She started to sing a number song she learned from camp. "Numbers are my best friends, they help me with my math. Numbers are my best friends, they show me the right path. So anything times zero, is allways gonna be zero." She paused a little bit for a breath. "Anything times one, will be that number. Meaning, one times one is one, one time two is two, and one time three is three and so on!" She finished that line of the song.

"Okay, so ou know our multiplacation, but how about division?"

She thought for a moment knowing she knew something about it. " Umm, I don't know, but I do know how to divde things by fives."

"Okay, little one, how old are you?" Te boy asked as he elaborated on 'little one'.

"Six, and proud of it. My name is October what is yours?"

"Ashton, and our name is October? Wow, your parents must have been high when they named you." Ashton gave a small chuckle.

October crossed her arms over her chest again. "That's not nice! My mommy named me that because that is her middle name. Daddy didn't like the idea of it, but now on halloween, I get more candy then anyone else!"

"Okay, okay. Calm down." Ashton held his hand out. She gave him a high five, thinking that is what he wanted. "Your actually a pretty cool kid.


October found a seat, in her class room, that had her name on it. Her name was printed, and then next to it was really pretty swirly lines. She traced the lines withher fingers. She looked at all the other desks and they had pretty swirly lines on them also. She saw all the other kids start to pile into the class room. She looked completly diffrent. All the kids wore jeans or shorts. She was the only one waring a dress. She looked at the lace blue skirt of her dress. She pulled at it feeling uncomfortable.

October jumped, as the school bell was rung. She sat in her seat as all the other kids were playing. All she did was lay her head down and listen to all the laughter that was going on.

"Okay childern, find your seats. Class has now began." The teachers voice was only a whisper to the camotion going on. "I said sit down." She said it a bit hasher and louder. Everyone looked at the teacher. They all stopped what they were doing and went to find their seats. As for October, she ha been in her seat the whole time.


"Lunch time! Every one stand up and push your seats in. When I tap you head go stand in front of the door behing the person in front of you." The teacher started touching the top of their heads. We then lined op for lunch.

October had her lunch in her hands as she sat down at a table. She started eating, being carefull not to get anything on her dress.

"Hey there little one." October looked up from were she was sitting.

"Ashton!" She stood up and gave him a hug. "Am I glad to see you, I though I would have to sit all alone."

"Nah, I wouldent let that happen."He gave her a smile.


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