Chapter Three

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October wakes up on a wensday morning. She pulls on a white dress that her mom had laid out for her the night before. she didn't put on the head band, she tought it was to girly. she grabbed her school bag and gave her mom and dad a kiss goodbye. she waited for the bus to pull up.


Octobers Point of Veiw


I wait for the big yellow bus that takes me to school. Someone taps my shoulder.

"Hi" I give Ashton a big hug. He feels like a big brother I always wanted. Although I only knew him for a few days.

We get onto the bus that just came to get us. We sat in our original seats and we did our normal thing. Except, he wasn't allowed tii sit me o his lap any more, we bot got into trouble with it.


School was just as any day that you can get it. I learned more things and ate more food. Went back on the bus and went home. Only, Ashton came home with me.

"Mom! Dad! I brought Ashton home!" I yelled as I walked into the doors of my home. Ashton just stood there not knowing what to do.

"Hey hon-" She was cought off when she saw Ashton. All he did was wave and give a slight smile.

"This is Ashton, I told you guys about him yesterday." At this time my dad walked into the conversation.

"Umm, we thought Ashton was a boy your age."

I looked up at ashton when my dad said that.

"We may be a diffrent age, but like I told him, I am just as big as he is." I crossed my arms over my chest standng firm.

"O-Okay." My mom hessitated.


"This is my room." I said as we entered a small room. It was located in the far back corner of the house I lived in. Ashton sat on my bed.

"It's pretty. And I am suprised to see no pink in here."

I went to turn the radio on and sit next to him on my bed. "Pink is an ugly color. I like dark purple and dark blue."

"But you wear a lot of girly dresses."

"Dosent mean I like them. Here hol on." I went to my closet and opened it. "This is what my parents like me to wear. All these dresses. I hate them. This dress,' I reffred to the one I was wearing," Would look great in the fire."


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