"Our lives have just begun Max, "Micheal said kissing my lips then shooting a gun this isn't how I thought our honeymoon would be honestly. I m just happy the boys aren't here this guy has been following us since the airport now to our home in Russ...
"Mike i am you husband and i won't keep a big secret from you again " i said but i see the confusion in his eyes .
" lets just enjoy our honeymoon "Mike said still avoiding my eyes but looking me up and down
" im not a piece of meat "underwood " i said he smiled
" yes you are Underwood " he laughed and slapped my ass
"ouch Mike that hurt !" i yelled
" oh baby do you want me to kiss it better " he teased me . and squated down to my but t
"no you don't get to kiss or touch it now said turning in the bed , putting the blanket around me
" baby I'm sorry please you know i can't deal with no being able to touch you, "Mike said trying to touch my face from behind me but i moved so he couldn't
"Maxwell Stephan Underwood kiss me, "Mike said in his boss tone which he knows doesn't work on me but i gave in and turned to kiss my husband
" we have a weird way to forgive " i said
"yea you two do we heard from the living room of our suite then grabbed our guns and walked out to see who is out there it was
it was Seth with some girl looking at us i forgot im just in a speedo
" oh my now I see why you married him he is hung, " the girl said looking at me but Mike moved in front of me to cover me from her view
"what are you doing in my room Seth "Mike asked i keep forgetting this is a bedroom to them when its a kind of hotel i need to ask mike how rich are we really
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" well i was bored back at home and i bring my girls ere to have fun if two don't mind girl go back to our room ill be there soon " Seth smiled at the girl who just nodded and left .
" stop bring your whores to the hotel mom bought to get away from dad "Mike said
" wait how rich are we ?" i asked mike just smiled
" really you never told him ?"Seth said qith a smirk
" rich enough "Mike said like it was nothing
" r ch enough ?" i asked still confused
" you know the hospital you got married in is called the Evelynn Dragon "Seth said
yes like Lucas mother " i said then it hit me we own the hospital i sat down
" we own the hospital i almost died in ?" i said looking at mike
" yea that why we were able to get married there i thought you knew "Mike said
" i was dying how would i know " i said
" ok let me get this straight we own the hospital this hotel and our three mansions ?"
" oh and the air port is in our name mike said smiling
" THE AIR PORT!" i yelled then ha d to cacth my breath i sat down
" babe we are a multi billon dollar organize crime family " mike said rubbing my back
" i think i should go Seth said grabbing the girl hand heading out
" i thought you ere already gone " i said honestly
"Mikre how rich are you really ?' i asked
" its ho w rich are WE really you are my husband let j ust say our boys will never go with out any thing . " he said and kissed me . trying to ease my anger it didn't work i walked back into the room and closed the door on mike
" BABE I THOUGHT YOU KNEW ALL THIS HONESTLY !" he yelled i just sat on the bed and crossed my arms looking at my nails acting like i can't hear him
" don't cross your arms you can hear me you didn't lock the door " mike said opening the door
" dammit " i said how dumb can i be
" you are not dumb "Mike said
" so how rich are we ?" i asked
" well because of my parents and your father money and our own from our work almost a trill " Mike said
"Shhh no one needs to know this babe especially the workers "Mike said
' so e e are comfortable " i said calming down
" yea we are " Mike said coming close to me
' so my fathers oil company we own not Zach ?" i asked
" it was a wedding present he gave us " Mike said
" oh he gave up billions for us " im surprised Zach did that for me .
" he said he wanted you just to live he gave it to us while we wre leaving he still worth billlions so he fine . " mike said smiling trying to grt me to un cross my arms
" he just wanted me to be ok really " i asked thinking wow my brother really loves me .