Chapter 4: To Octo Valley

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Nautilus base, Octo Valley

Mishu: Another day as usual, getting up, making breakfast, small talk with Violet, heading to Nautilus base, a day of training, random conversations in the mess hall...

Octostriker: An Inkling prisoner died yesterday

Mishu: A chill went down Mishu's back as if those words became icicles and stabbed her in the back. Say what? Which one?

Octostriker: I don't know which one, I just wanted to let you all know that we aren't just taking prisoners anymore, oh right, and the second wave of Elites in Inkopolis are going to return today.

Present time, Inkopolis

Preston: Did the cops give out any information at all?

Marina: Sorry, we don't know anything that wasn't already said on TV, is something the matter.

Preston: Yes, the way the IPD and Det. Vert is handling things, all they did was get a false confession out of some random inkling who was in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Marina: It's possible but i'm not sure, do you think maybe the Octarians are involved?

Preston: Yes I did, but the Cap'n says he didn't see any Octarians enter or exit Inkopolis, regardless the way the Inklings disappeared so suddenly without a trace definitely reminds me of the Octarians and the theft of the great Zapfish

Marina: That's what I think, but it's pretty strange for Cap'n to miss something like an Octarian slipping in to Inkopolis

Preston: If you hear anything let me know okay?

Marina: Stay fresh and off the hook Preston

Naturally it was as busy as always, so many sea creatures everywhere, one could hardly see past the sea of faces.

Fiona: The problem is we have no idea who really is behind this

Neon: I still think it's the Octarains, are you sure Cuttlefish said nothing was happening in Octo Valley?

Preston: Yep!

Neon: Well we can't do anything about it now, how about we go for a round of Turf Wars!

Preston: You guys go on ahead I'll check what's up

Nautilus base, Octo Valley

Mishu was shook

An Octostriker had just told her of a prisoner's fate.

On the surface she made it look like she didn't care for who died, in fact she and her squadmates praised the actions of Melanin prison's guards, but deep down Mishu despised it.

It was probably the most difficult decision to make, but Mishu had been considering either going to Melanin herself, or ratting out the Octarians to Cap'n Cuttlefish.

Of course from what she had heard, Octavia was trying to start another war, believing that the Octarians would have the advantage, if war did break out many lives would be lost in the process.

But if the Octarians did win the war, then they could use the Zapfish and rebuild Octo Valley to be better than ever, and if they lost then nothing would change, it seemed like at this point the Octarians had nothing left to lose.

Plus if the Inklings are defeated by the Octarian army that doesn't necessarily mean the Inklings are done for. right?

Besides, Inkopolis is in great condition right now, so if the army took the Zapfish for a few years nothing bad would happen.

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