Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 2

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Intercom: "Battle practice has ended. The winner is Second Lieutenant Takamiya Mana"

Upon the intercom announcing this, the AST members and Origami herself dispersed from the training room.

Origami who returned to the hangar inside the base, was rearranging her thoughts while staring at the ground.

As though wanting to recall that feeling she felt several minutes ago, tightly gripping her right hand.

Origami: "......"

The feeling of being outclassed in every possible way.

Due to deactivation of the Personal Territory, the body feels extremely heavy. Just the act of raising the arm and clenching the fist brings about the abnormal feeling that one is swimming in an extremely viscous mud.

But it was also due to this phenomenon that hinted at her own uselessness, Origami unconsciously added strength to that tightly held fist.

Origami: "Takamiya--Mana.."

As though she were showing off, she flaunted the ability to make use of her Personal Territory and special suit to an absurd extent. Truly, she was without doubt a legendary genius.

This should be something to celebrate. Mana is a human, an AST member. Meaning, she has the same goal to take down Spirits like Origami. If there are more people that are just like her, the success rate for combat should greatly increase. But, even though this fact had been understood, an unexplainable sense of frustration grew stronger and stronger within Origami's heart.

Origami: ".... She's strong"

Origami stared at her clenched fist and said. At the same time, a voice came from overhead.

Mana: "-You're amazing too, Master Sergeant Tobiichi."

Hastily raising her head, not knowing when she came close, Mana who was still wearing the combat wiring suit, was standing there with sports drinks in both hands.

Origami: "Don't mention it."

Origami, took the drink Mana offered and took a sip, before raising her head as a thought came to mind.

Origami: "I've heard you have killed a Spirit before. I'd like to hear the details."

Regarding Origami's words, Mana lightly shrugged her shoulders.

Mana: "Killed a Spirit you say? Well, what you've said isn't wrong-"

Origami: "What's the matter?"

Faced with that uncertain reply, Origami slightly slanted her head.

Mana: "Mm... the thing is, [that], is a little different from the rest of the Spirits-even so do you still want to listen?"

Origami nodded, causing Mana to sigh and sit next to her.

Mana: "Hm, it doesn't matter.... Although this can't be widely said in public, but I think in the near future you will have the chance to see it for yourself.-I was posted here for this reason after all."

Towards that declaration that did not reveal much, Origami tilted her head.

Origami: "I've heard that you had been posted here to boost our combat ability."

Mana: "What you said isn't totally wrong. But to be accurate, I was posted here to confirm the signs of a certain Spirit."

Origami: "A certain Spirit?"

Mana: "Yes. All this time, I have been chasing after the most brutal Spirit. Its codename is-"


Kuro Pov

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